本文关键词: 库车前陆冲断带 却勒盐推覆体 察尔汗盐席 分段性 变形特征 出处:《中国地质》2017年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The west of Kuqa Foreland thrust belt developed the best surface salt structure in China, which can be used as a natural laboratory for salt structure research. Previous researches on salt structure in this area mainly focus on underground, including the identification of underground salt structure style. There are few studies on the salt structure of the ground surface. Based on the previous studies, detailed field mapping and seismic interpretation are used in this paper. By means of remote sensing interpretation and other methods, the deformation characteristics of the taule salt nappe in the west of Kuqa Foreland thrust belt are analyzed, and it is concluded that the development of the nappe is controlled by the Zeller thrust fault. The salt rocks of the Kumgarimu Group emerge from the surface with thrust faults. The salt nappe has great structural difference in the east and west, and has obvious segmental characteristics. In the middle and west of the nappe, the upper plate of the nappe is well developed. The salt rock appears only along the thrust front of the nappe and belongs to the typical accretive table. At the Chaerhan salt mat in the east of the nappe, the upper salt strata are denuded, and the salt rocks flow to the periphery driven by gravity. Chaerhan salt mat is obviously influenced by surface runoff and precipitation, and a large number of karst caves and salt mountain structures are developed. The deformation characteristics of the energy dry layer in salt are the indexes reflecting the fluidity of salt rock, and the deformation pattern of the energy dry layer in the salt sheet of Chaerhan salt sheet in the eastern part of salt nappe is more complicated. The lack of thick roof and the sufficient influence of precipitation and surface runoff are the main reasons for the strong rheology of salt rock in Chaerhan salt sheet.
【作者单位】: 造山带与地壳演化重点实验室北京大学地球与空间科学学院;中国石化集团新星石油有限责任公司新能源研究院;中国石油塔里木油田公司勘探开发研究院;
【基金】:国家重点基础研究发展计划“973计划”项目(2009CB219302) 中国地质调查局项目(DD20160175-1-1)联合资助~~
【正文快照】: (1.Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution,Ministry of Education,School of Earth and Space Sciences,PekingUniversity,Beijing 100871,China;2.SINOPEC Star Petroleum Co.,Ltd.(Sinopec Star),New Energy Researching Institude,Beijing100083,China;
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