本文关键词: 四川盆地 构造分异 克拉通内裂陷 同沉积古隆起 差异剥蚀型古隆起 碳酸盐岩 震旦纪—三叠纪 勘探新区 出处:《天然气工业》2017年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Craton basin is the main source of marine carbonate oil and gas in China, but in the past there was no systematic study on the influence of tectonic differentiation of ancient craton basin on the formation and distribution of marine carbonate oil and gas fields. It is difficult to select favorable zones for hydrocarbon exploration in carbonate rocks. Therefore, based on the research results of Sinian and Triassic prototype basins and lithofacies paleogeography in Sichuan Basin for many years. It follows the idea of structural control of deposition and distribution of oil and gas. The structural differentiation pattern of the craton basin and its controlling effect on the oil and gas accumulation elements and distribution are analyzed. The results show that the 1: 1 craton inner rift controls the high quality source rock and hydrocarbon generation center. Good source-reservoir assemblage is formed with high quality reservoir body in the flanking platform margin belt, and the conditions of near-source reservoir formation are superior. (2) the differential denudation type, synsedimentary type and fold type developed in the craton are three types of paleouplift and deep fault, which is favorable to the formation and distribution of carbonate reservoir; (3) the overlapping area of multi-type structural differentiation is favorable to the formation of large oil and gas fields. The conclusion is that the marine carbonate rocks in Sichuan basin have great oil and gas exploration potential. The Dengying formation of the Sinian system in the eastern wing of the Deyang-Anyue rift depression and the lower Cambrian Longwangmiao formation in the slope area of the Middle Sichuan Paleozoic uplift with favorable oil and gas accumulation conditions. Middle Permian Maokou formation is a new field of natural gas exploration in central Sichuan and western Sichuan, which deserves attention.
【作者单位】: 中国石油勘探开发研究院;
【正文快照】: 中国克拉通盆地具有规模小、活动性强等特征[1],在经历多旋回构造运动之后,克拉通边缘盆地多卷入俯冲消减带或造山带而被强烈改造与破坏,现今保存较完整部分以克拉通盆地为主[2],是海相碳酸盐岩油气赋存的主体。经过数十年勘探,我国相继在四川、塔里木、鄂尔多斯等盆地发现了
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