发布时间:2018-02-13 08:43
本文关键词: 暗渠 输油管道 泄漏和蒸气云爆炸 数值模拟 事故后果评价 出处:《西南石油大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着我国城镇化快速推进,城市地下管道呈现规模庞大、构成复杂、纵横交错等特点。全国各地的管道泄漏和爆炸事故呈逐年增长的态势。由于缺乏对地下暗渠内管道泄漏和爆炸事故规律的研究,事故后的现场救援和调查分析较难开展。 本文采用理论研究和数值模拟相结合的方法,对暗渠内输油管道的泄漏、油品蒸发和爆炸过程进行了系统研究,并以“11·22”中石化东黄输油管道泄漏爆炸事故为案例,详细分析了输油管道泄漏失效原因、事故后果类型、泄漏量影响因素,研究油品泄漏量计算模型。针对溢油在水面的液池扩展和蒸发过程进行分析,定量计算暗渠溢油扩展面积和蒸发率。建立了密闭空间内可燃气体爆炸数值模型,应用流体力学软件对暗渠内蒸气云爆炸的传播过程进行了数值模拟,讨论了爆炸过程中湍流火焰传播和压力波变化过程。对蒸气云爆炸事故后果类型和评价模型进行了系统分析,采用TNT和TNO相结合、TNO和概率方程相结合两种方法确定事故影响范围。编制了输油管道泄漏后果定量分析软件,以“11·22”事故为案例,定量计算事故过程中油品泄漏量、蒸发量以及事故影响范围。计算得到泄漏量为2008t,TNT-TNO法计算死亡半径为61.5m,财产损失半径为34.7m,TNO-概率方程法计算超压伤害半径1.9m,死亡半径109m。通过与政府事故调查报告对比,验证了模型的准确性。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of urbanization in China, underground pipelines in cities have a large scale and complex composition. The pipeline leakage and explosion accidents in various parts of the country are increasing year by year. Due to the lack of research on the rules of pipeline leakage and explosion accidents in underground canal, it is difficult to carry out the rescue and investigation and analysis on the spot after the accident. In this paper, the leakage, evaporation and explosion process of oil pipeline in the dark canal are studied systematically by the method of combining theoretical research and numerical simulation. The case of "11 路22" Donghuang oil pipeline leakage explosion accident is taken as an example. In this paper, the causes of oil pipeline leakage failure, the type of accident consequence, the factors influencing the leakage amount, the calculation model of oil product leakage volume are analyzed in detail, and the process of oil spill expansion and evaporation on the water surface is analyzed. The numerical model of combustible gas explosion in the airtight space is established, and the propagation process of vapor cloud explosion in the canal is simulated by using the hydrodynamic software, which is used to calculate quantitatively the spread area and evaporation rate of oil spill in the culvert, and a numerical model of the explosion of combustible gas in the airtight space is established. The process of turbulent flame propagation and pressure wave variation during explosion is discussed. The type of accident consequence and evaluation model of vapor cloud explosion are systematically analyzed. TNT and TNO combined with probability equation are used to determine the influence range of the accident. A quantitative analysis software for oil pipeline leakage consequences is developed. Taking the case of "11 路22" accident as a case, the quantity of oil leakage in the accident process is quantitatively calculated. Evaporation and accident influence range. The calculated leakage amount is 2008t TNT-TNO method, the radius of death is 61.5m, the radius of property loss is 34.7 mTNO- probability equation method, the radius of overpressure injury is 1.9m, the radius of death is 109m.Through comparing with the investigation report of government accident, The veracity of the model is verified.
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