本文关键词: 源-汇 物源示踪 时空耦合控砂原理 局部物源 定量化 沉积模拟 大陆边缘盆地 陆相断陷盆地 出处:《石油与天然气地质》2017年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, the study of "source-sink" has gradually become an important subject in the field of sedimentology. This paper analyzes and summarizes the research ideas of "source-sink" of sedimentary system and the multi-method comprehensive analysis technology. The future development trend of "source-sink" system is pointed out. The "source-sink" study of sedimentary systems in continental margin basins focuses on the triggering mechanism of sedimentary events and the transport process of sediments. In reservoir prediction of complex continental faulted basins, the space-time coupling sand control principle of "source-sink" and the corresponding sand control model have been formed. The study of "source-sink" applies multi-party source tracer analysis to the restoration of paleoprovenance and paleodrainage systems. In the course of reconstruction. Aiming at the "source-sink" system in the local provenance background of continental faulted basin, The fine study of sequence stratigraphy in the potential denudation area has restored the true appearance of the geological history of the hidden material source area. The quantitative characterization of the elements of the source-sink system and the quantitative prediction of the reservoir are being explored step by step. The establishment of quantitative response relationship from source to sink is the ultimate goal. However, the simulation of sedimentary process under the quantitative constraint of "source-sink" system provides a strong support for reservoir prediction under the condition of few wells. Multidisciplinary, multi-method fusion, process and institutional research, and the formation of industrial application standards are the future development trend of the "source-sink" research of sedimentary system.
【作者单位】: 中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司;
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