本文关键词: 页岩气 井壁失稳 微纳米尺度 孔隙结构 水基钻井液 出处:《钻井液与完井液》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:At present, the problem of shaft wall instability in long horizontal section is still a major engineering technical problem restricting the development of shale gas resources at home and abroad. In order to solve the problem of wellbore instability in long horizontal shale section of Longmaxi formation, X-ray diffraction analysis is used. Helium pore volume test, high pressure mercury injection test, high resolution field emission scanning electron microscope and CT scanning, rock continuous delineation strength and other experiments were carried out. The microstructure and physicochemical characteristics of the Longmaxi formation shale were analyzed, and the microscopic fabric characteristics were discussed. The effect of physicochemical properties on the stability of shale wellbore in Longmaxi formation is studied. The results show that Longmaxi shale is rich in brittle minerals, and the clay is mainly composed of eumonium layer, micropore is developed, microfractures are in the form of cracks and nearly parallel distribution. The existence and stratification of sensitive minerals and the development of microfractures are the main internal factors leading to the instability of shale wellbore. That is, "strengthening plugging, moderate inhibition, reasonable density and high efficiency lubrication". The optimized formula of high performance water-based drilling fluid was constructed by using the technical countermeasures. The evaluation results show that, The system has good plugging ability and ability to restrain fracture propagation. Field tests were carried out in two wells and three wells in Jinba block. The field test results show that, The system has solved the problems of the instability of the shaft wall and the large friction in the horizontal section of the long horizontal shale well, and provided a new idea and experience for the high efficiency drilling and exploitation of shale gas resources in China by using the water base drilling fluid technology.
【作者单位】: 中国地质大学(北京);中国石化石油工程技术研究院;页岩油气富集机理与有效开发国家重点实验室;
【基金】:国家重大专项“彭水地区常压页岩气勘探开发示范工程”(2016ZX05061) 国家自然科学基金重大项目“页岩油气高效开发基础理论研究”(51490650),“川西低渗气藏低伤害钻井液技术研究”(2016ZX05021004-002)联合资助
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