本文选题:凝析气藏 切入点:开发阶段 出处:《新疆石油地质》2017年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Because of the complex phase change characteristics, it is more difficult and special to study the percolation of condensate gas reservoir than that of conventional gas reservoir. The existing gas and gas distribution models of condensate gas reservoir are based on the relative permeability measured by steady or unsteady state method. Because the clogging effect of condensate was not considered, the seepage ability of condensate oil was overestimated, which resulted in a certain deviation between the conclusion and the actual production situation on the spot. The distribution law of oil and gas in reservoir can not be accurately described and the gas well productivity can be correctly evaluated. At present, there are few researches on the distribution of oil and gas in different production stages of condensate gas reservoir based on microscopic heterogeneity of reservoir. In view of this, a pseudo-steady state relative permeability measurement method, which can reflect the fluid percolation ability in the condensate gas reservoir, is introduced according to the pore size of the gas reservoir and the capillary pressure distribution. According to the characteristics of oil and gas percolation in different production stages of gas wells, a set of description method of oil and gas distribution characteristics during the whole development process is formed. The method is applied to the optimization design of condensate gas reservoir production parameters. It is considered that the condensate gas reservoir is produced with large pressure difference in the later stage of production. The effect of pseudo-steady state relative permeability on oil and gas recovery performance should be investigated emphatically. Finally, the viewpoint put forward is verified by the production performance of actual condensate gas wells.
【作者单位】: 中国石油大学石油工程教育部重点实验室;中国石油塔里木油田分公司塔西南勘探开发公司;
【基金】:国家973项目(ZX20150414) 国家油气重大专项(ZX20160212)
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