本文选题:盐岩 切入点:地下储库 出处:《地下空间与工程学报》2017年S1期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Based on the field pilot test of water dissolution cavity in Yunying Salt Mine, Hubei Province, the model test of water dissolution cavity in two wells with small well spacing was carried out in the laboratory. A kind of large size salt which can be used to simulate the water solution cavity is produced. Based on the dimensional analysis method in the similarity theory, The similarity ratio between in-situ cavity making and model test is established. The results show that the average concentration of brine increases with the increase of cavity making time and finally reaches a stable state. The way of lifting pipe in experiment 1 is better than that in experiment 2, which shows that the way of lifting inlet pipe is more suitable for water dissolution cavity with small well spacing in double wells, and that the cavity formed in experiment 1 is "step shaped", which can eliminate the irregular boundary by increasing the number of lifting pipes. The number of pipe lifting of water dissolution cavity in two wells with spacing between small wells can be used for reference in single well water solution method. The 8 ~ 10 times is more suitable, and the shape of the cavity formed in experiment 2 is "pagoda", which is poor in space utilization. The cross section of the cavity formed by water dissolution cavity with small well spacing is an asymmetric ellipse. The ratio of the long and short axis of the cross section of the two experimental cavities is 1.44 and 1.17 respectively.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学煤矿灾害动力学与控制国家重点实验室;江苏油田分公司石油工程技术研究院;
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