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发布时间:2018-03-14 11:11

  本文选题:峰谷电价 切入点:成品油管道 出处:《中国民航大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:成品油管道运行费用中,动力费用和人员费用是主要的两项。峰谷电价体制下,用电高峰时段的电价高,用电低谷时段的电价低,如果始终按照平均流量进行输送,势必会造成用电成本的大幅提升,以及资源的浪费。按照管道在电网高低峰时应处于不同运行状态的优化思想,如何调节不同时段的输量以达到经济运营的目的,对成品油管道的优化运行提出了新的要求。因此,在该领域进行研究就显得尤为重要。以整条管道每天电力费用最小为目标函数,以每天的计划输量、管道能量平衡、各站的进出站压力以及站间各管段的压力和管道最小输量为约束条件,构建了峰谷电价体制下成品油管道优化运行的数学模型。该模型充分考虑了管道流态变化和泵机组转速变化对管道摩阻损失、泵机组的效率和扬程等因素的影响。目标函数形式复杂、决策变量形式多样、变量数量繁多形成了整个数学模型的特点。针对数学模型的这个特点,选用混合遗传算法进行优化求解。经过内嵌动态规划法的二分法的验证,证明了混合遗传算法计算结果的可靠性,说明选用混合遗传算法来求解峰谷电价体制下成品油管道优化运行的问题是完全可行的。标定了算法中的构成要素,并且通过Visual C++6.0平台编制了计算机程序。选择国内某条成品油管道为例进行优化计算,优化结果表明,峰谷电价体制下成品油管道施行分时输送所带来的经济效益是十分可观的。针对有无调速电机两种情况下的日电力费用进行比较,安装调速电机会使管道每天的耗电费用进一步降低;探索了电力费用节约比例随日输量的变化规律以及电力费用节约比例随峰谷电价比的变化规律。为峰谷电价体制下,成品油管道降低运行成本,提高经济效益提供了有力的理论依据。
[Abstract]:In the operation cost of finished oil pipeline, the power cost and personnel cost are two main items. Under the peak-valley electricity price system, the electricity price is high in peak period and low in low time, if it is transported according to the average flow rate all the time. According to the optimization idea that pipeline should be in different operation state at high and low peak of power network, how to adjust the quantity of transportation in different period to achieve the purpose of economic operation, This paper puts forward new requirements for the optimal operation of the finished oil pipeline. Therefore, it is particularly important to study in this field. Taking the minimum daily power cost of the whole pipeline as the objective function, the planned daily transportation volume and the pipeline energy balance are taken as the objective function. The pressure in and out of each station, the pressure of each section of the station and the minimum volume of the pipeline are the constraint conditions. A mathematical model for optimal operation of refined oil pipeline under peak-valley price system is established, which takes into account the loss of pipeline friction due to the variation of pipeline flow state and the change of pump unit speed. The factors such as efficiency and lift of pump unit. The form of objective function is complex, the form of decision variable is diverse, and the number of variables is various, forming the characteristics of the whole mathematical model. The hybrid genetic algorithm is used to optimize the solution. The reliability of the results of the hybrid genetic algorithm is proved by the dichotomy of the embedded dynamic programming method. It shows that it is feasible to select hybrid genetic algorithm to solve the problem of optimal operation of oil pipeline under peak-valley price system. The constituent elements of the algorithm are calibrated. And the computer program is compiled by Visual C 6.0 platform. A domestic oil product pipeline is selected as an example for optimization calculation. The optimization results show that, Under the peak-valley electricity price system, the economic benefits of time-sharing transportation of oil products are very considerable. The power consumption of pipeline will be further reduced by installing the speed regulating motor, and the variation law of the power cost saving ratio with the daily transmission quantity and the power cost saving ratio with the peak and valley electricity price ratio will be explored. Under the peak-valley electricity price system, The operation cost of refined oil pipeline is reduced and the economic benefit is improved.


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