本文选题:海洋水合物 切入点:试开采验证 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Natural gas hydrate is a kind of clean energy with great potential for exploitation. Depressurization and depressurization combined with heat injection can change the phase equilibrium conditions of hydrate and make the hydrate unsteady decompose. It is the most effective and most commonly used method to exploit hydrate. Most of the studies have been done directly by using simulation software to study the optimal exploitation of hydrate under different schemes. This paper first combines the site data of the Nankai trough in Japan and the actual mining conditions, including hydrate saturation, permeability of the mining site. The porosity, the actual temperature and pressure conditions and the mining pressure of the mining test are simulated by TOUGH hydrate software. The gas production rate and water production rate of the well are obtained during the production cycle. Then, the simulated calculation results are compared with the actual mining data, and the comparison results show that, When the model can accurately describe the permeability of hydrate reservoir and the heterogeneous distribution of hydrate saturation, the simulated gas production rate obtained fits well with the actual test production data. It shows that TOUGH hydrate simulation software can accurately describe the process of hydrate exploitation, and can be used to study the evaluation of natural gas hydrate exploitation. In this paper, the main gas hydrate occurrence area in China, Shenhu sea area on the northern slope of the South China Sea, is selected as the research area for the optimal exploitation of natural gas hydrate. According to the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey in 2007, the Shenhu sea area of the South China Sea was entered into. Analysis of the data of drilling, Based on the geological data obtained from drilling in SH2, this paper simulates and evaluates the gas production ability of single horizontal well and double horizontal well in combination with depressurization and injection heat injection. By analyzing the influence of different pressure reduction and heat injection amplitude on hydrate extraction rate, it is found that, A single horizontal well with reduced pressure and heat injection combined production (500 W / m heat injection power) can increase the total gas production by 20% compared with the single down pressure production. In the initial stage, the gas production can be greatly increased, but the later stage of the lifting effect is not obvious. This may be due to the fact that with the development, The reason for the decrease of hydrate content around the well is that the gas production rate of double horizontal wells is always lower than that of dual horizontal wells when the injection heat production method is adopted in the upper well and down well, and the variation trend of the gas production rate is similar under the two kinds of well distribution modes. In the early stage of exploitation, the lower the bottom hole pressure, the greater the driving force of hydrate decomposition, the higher the gas production rate, and the greater the decrease of the corresponding gas production rate. The difference of production rate between different schemes is decreasing or even being the same in the later stage of mining. Under the pressure of 2.7 MPA, the cumulative gas production of the double horizontal well is 2.3 times that of the single horizontal well during the five years of exploitation, and the cumulative gas production of the double horizontal well is 2.3 times of that of the single horizontal well. Cumulative water production is 1.9 times that of a single horizontal well.
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