本文选题:煤层气 切入点:含气量 出处:《西安科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:There are many coal beds in Hedong mining area of Urumqi, the thickness of coal seam is large, the coal rank is low, and the parameters of coalbed methane are very representative in Xinjiang. In this paper, the occurrence law and resource potential of coalbed methane are studied in Hedong mining area of Urumqi. It is of great practical significance for the evaluation and exploration and development of low rank coal bed methane resources in Xinjiang. Through indoor and outdoor data collection, field investigation, sampling and test analysis, coal bed methane geology, coal petrology, sedimentology, geochemistry are applied. Based on the theory and method of coalfield geology, this paper discusses and studies the gas-bearing, adsorptive and physical characteristics of coal reservoir in Hedong mining area, and expounds the occurrence and development conditions of coalbed methane, and discusses the geological structure and sedimentation. The influence of coal metamorphism, effective burial depth, roof and bottom slate, coal quality and hydrogeological conditions on the occurrence of coalbed methane is studied. The results show that the coal bearing strata in Hedong mining area are mainly the Xishanyao formation of Jurassic Middle Series and the Badaowan formation of Lower Series. The coal seams of the Xishanyao formation west of the Yan41 line are relatively developed, and the coal beds of Badaowan formation east of the Yan41 line are relatively developed. The coal layers are many, the thickness of the coal seams is large, and the distribution area is wide. The coal reservoir has good gas generation and absorbability. The gas content of coal seam increases with the increase of coal seam depth, and increases with the increase of vitrinite maximum reflectance. The reservoir physical properties such as reservoir pressure and permeability are favorable to the development of coalbed methane in this area, but there are great differences in different regions, which fully explain the heterogeneity, geological structure and sedimentation of coal seam. The properties of surrounding rock and hydrogeological conditions of roof and bottom are favorable to the preservation of CBM. The comprehensive analysis shows that the gas generating condition and occurrence condition of Xishan formation are better than that of Badaowan formation. Where the north monoclinic fl normal fault is not developed and the weathering zone of coalbed methane in Badaowan syncline is within a deep range, the coalbed methane exists well in the south wing of the Badaowan syncline, in which the methane content in the southern wing of the Badaowan syncline may be better than that in the north wing. According to DZ / T0216-2010, the CBM resource / reserve in the study area is estimated to be 531.04 脳 10 ~ (8) m ~ (-3) by volume method, which is a large coalbed methane field and has a good development prospect.
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