本文选题:铬微凝胶 切入点:调剖 出处:《东北石油大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Gel profile control is one of the effective methods to improve oil recovery. The mechanism of chromium microgel system is to control water and increase oil production through the dual action of deep profile adjustment (or fluid steering) and oil displacement. Chromium microgel system is a kind of colloid with three-dimensional network structure [1], mainly through intermolecular crosslinking reaction. Chromium was crosslinked to polyacrylamide with different concentrations. A gel system with good viscoelasticity and high viscosity is formed. The gelation time and strength can be adjusted and controlled by the coordination number of crosslinking agent and the concentration of the system. The compatibility of chromium microgel profile control system with the second class oil layer was studied through laboratory experiments. The concentration of polymer and chromium ion gel in chromium microgel system was selected, and the determination results of the binding resistance coefficient and residual resistance coefficient were obtained. According to the plugging and distributary effect of chromium microgel profile control system, the formula of chromium microgel system is determined. The selection standard of well selection is quantified by the control degree of polymer flooding, permeability, water injection pressure, injection strength and water cut, etc. The parameters of profile control well group and profile control system are designed, the field test is carried out, the profile control tracking and adjusting scheme is designed, and the economic benefit is analyzed. The results of profile control experiment of chromium microgel system showed that when the initial water content was higher than that of the whole region by 2%, the water content decreased by 3.13%. The ratio of input to output is 1: 3.10. The research results can provide technical support for the efficient development of the second class reservoir in Saltu Oilfield.
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