本文选题:螺杆泵 切入点:特征点 出处:《东北石油大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Screw pump oil recovery is a kind of manual lifting method, which has the characteristics of less investment, simple equipment structure, convenient operation, obvious energy-saving effect and strong adaptability. It can greatly improve the oil recovery efficiency and effectively reduce the oil production cost.Therefore, oil fields at home and abroad attach importance to it.The screw pump is mainly composed of two parts: eccentric screw (rotor) and pump body (stator) with spiral cavity. The main failure form of rotor surface of screw pump under normal operation condition is wear, and the wear type is abrasive wear.Erosion wear and corrosion wear, among which abrasive wear is more obvious.In the study of wear mechanism of screw pump rotor, it is found that the maximum sliding speed and contact stress between the rotor and the stator in the protruding section of the rotor will form a spiral wear line on the rotor surface, resulting in the chromium-plated layer on the surface of the rotor falling off.Wear to a certain extent no longer usable, need to be repaired in time.The key point of damage repair is to know the surface morphology of the rotor, which can be expressed by the rotor parameter equation, but the machining parameters of the screw rotor are unknown.Determining the specific parameters of the rotor becomes the focus of the research.Based on the basic linear theory of the screw pump and the forming principle of the rotor model of the screw pump, this paper establishes the rotor models of the common inner cycloid type and the short amplitude inner cycloid type single screw pump, expounds the fundamental causes of the punching, and deals with the problem of punching.On the basis of studying the profile curve of common and short amplitude single screw rotor, combined with the working characteristics of CMM, the method of measuring rotor based on feature point is summarized.The key points are the feature point selection method and the calculation method in rotor reconstruction process.The accuracy of this method is verified by using CMM to test the rotor of single screw pump and five head screw drill tool.The rotor reconstruction method is studied. The shaft section is used to model the rotor. This modeling method is simple and easy to realize.This can be done under the condition of two curves and pitch of known axial section.The common equation of shaft cross-section interception of screw pump rotor is established by using the point set method to intercept the shaft cross-section of the screw and to form a common method for intercepting the axial section of the screw.The test was carried out on the five-head screw drilling tool.The theoretical results agree well with the measured ones, and the validity of the method is verified.
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