本文选题:陆上作业区 + 抽油机井 ; 参考:《西南石油大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The onshore operation area of Jidong Oilfield is located in the north of Nanpu Sag in the northeast of Huanghua Depression. The fault is developed in the sag and the control area of a single fault block is small. It is a typical complex fault block reservoir. The characteristics of pumping wells in this working area on land are as follows: the buried depth of oil reservoir is 1500 ~ 4000mg, the average pump depth is 1890 mW, the maximum well deviation is 48.1% more than 30. 0%, and the pump checking period of pumping unit wells in each lift mode is the shortest 382 days). By investigating the lifting status of the onshore operation area, it is found that the pump inspection period of the pumping unit well becomes the key problem that restricts the pump inspection cycle in the onshore operation area. In this paper, the factors restricting the period of pump inspection in pumping units are analyzed and studied from the aspects of productivity prediction, lift design optimization, partial wear control, daily management optimization and so on. Through the research on productivity prediction of the main block, the reasonable submergence degree of the pumping unit well in the main block is determined, which provides the basis for selecting the reasonable pump diameter and the pump depth for the pumping unit well. In the aspect of lifting design optimization, the basic principle of pumping unit selection is first determined, and the mathematical model of sucker rod string force analysis and centralizer spacing calculation is established, which provides a theoretical basis for lifting optimization design. Finally, through the evaluation of the existing lifting tools, the application range of the typical supporting lifting tools is clarified, which makes the function of the lifting string more complete. Based on the analysis of the reasons of pump inspection in pumping units, the factors that affect the period of pump inspection in pumping units are clearly recognized, and the main and secondary contradictions are confirmed, the mechanism of eccentric wear is studied, and the corresponding technical countermeasures are worked out. The optimum design technology of anti-bias wear is formed. In the aspect of daily management, reasonable production parameters, scientific and reasonable wax cleaning method and period, field diagnosis technology and tubing detection technology of pump working condition are determined through research, and matching with lifting technology, the period of pump inspection in pumping unit well is prolonged. On the basis of the above research, the optimization principle of lifting and raising in land operation area is established. After field test, the pump inspection period of pumping unit well is prolonged, and obvious effect is obtained, which is of practical significance and practical value to the long-term production of pumping unit well in land operation area.
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