本文选题:卡钻 + 水平井 ; 参考:《东北石油大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, horizontal well drilling technology and related techniques have become one of the important methods for rapid development of oil and gas fields. In the horizontal well operation, drilling jam accident is the most common. Due to its frequent occurrence and complicated treatment process, it will have a great impact on the smooth implementation of horizontal well technology and the effective exploitation of oil and gas resources. Therefore, researchers at home and abroad pay more and more attention to the prevention and solution of drilling jam accidents. On the basis of combining drilling design and construction parameters, a method for prediction and treatment of drilling jam accidents in horizontal wells is established in this paper, which can make rapid prediction and evaluation of drilling jam accidents. In this paper, first of all, according to the existing prediction and treatment technology of drilling jam accidents in horizontal wells, a detailed study is carried out. On the basis of the study of RSI drilling safety index, combined with the influence of the change of in-well temperature on the drilling fluid performance, According to the prediction results, the drilling fluid performance parameters and the drilling fluid displacement can be optimized, which can effectively improve the safety index value of drilling jam. Reduce the risk of drilling accidents in horizontal wells. On the basis of the theory and method of drill string mechanics and material mechanics, a method for calculating the point position of compound drill string is established under the condition of considering friction load. It is suitable for accurate calculation of the location of clamping point after drilling accident in horizontal well. Friction load is a factor that can not be ignored in the process of unblocking in horizontal wells. This paper solves and analyzes the wellhead load in the process of lifting the card during the drilling accident of horizontal wells, and evaluates the safety performance of drill pipe tensile resistance, and applies the theory of drill string vibration to evaluate the safety performance of drill pipe tensile resistance. Relevant theories such as momentum conservation law, energy conservation law and so on, have carried on the detailed analysis to the shock debacle unlocking process and the unlocking effect, and established the mechanical model of the shock debacle unlocking process. The model effectively eliminates the influence of friction on the calculation results of shock force, and is suitable for the calculation of shock force in horizontal wells and extended reach wells, and can effectively analyze the risk of drilling jam during horizontal well drilling. It also provides a powerful decision basis for the calculation of the location of the sticking point, the analysis of the accident treatment method and the evaluation of the effect of the card unlocking after the drill jam accident occurs.
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