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发布时间:2018-05-28 05:25

  本文选题:精细油藏描述 + 低级序小断层 ; 参考:《东北石油大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of oil fields, chemical flooding as a replacement for water flooding, in recent years, the oil industry at home and abroad has paid more and more attention to chemical flooding. But the complexity of reservoir geological body, especially the low order fault between injection and production wells of chemical flooding, and the strong heterogeneity of reservoir directly affect the development effect of chemical flooding and restrict the continuous improvement of oilfield development level. As a representative of the old oil field of Liaohe waterflooding development, the chemical flooding field test of Xinglongtai reservoir in Block Jin 16 has made a breakthrough in recent years, and it is one of the key blocks of chemical flooding in Liaohe Oilfield. The block belongs to the fan delta front sedimentation. The sand body of Xinglongtai oil reservoir is superimposed on the horizontal by sedimentation, and overlaps with each other vertically, which greatly increases the difficulty of horizontal correlation and leads directly to the uncorrespondence of chemical flooding. At the same time, controlled by the boundary four faults, there are many low order faults in the block, which reduces the chemical agent sweep area, restricts the chemical flooding effect, and is difficult to further improve the oil field development effect. In view of the above problems, this paper uses the pre-stack time migration 3D seismic data based on target reprocessing and the VSP test data collected from the whole area covering the whole area, and combines well and earthquake with fine reservoir description for Xinglongtai reservoir in Jin16 block. The following results are obtained: 1) making full use of three dimensional seismic data of prestack time migration based on target processing, combining with the characteristics of three sets of regional stratigraphic correlation markers, establishing the block stratigraphic correlation shelf by combining well and earthquake. On this basis, combining with the curve cycle characteristics, the fine correlation of substratum level is realized. (2) the fine microstructures of dense well pattern are studied, and the fault and microstructural characteristics of blocks are clarified. The low order fault inside the block is described emphatically, and the accuracy of fault identification is raised from 30 meters to 10 to 15 meters accurately, and the precision of micro-structure description is improved to less than 5 meters. It can meet the need of chemical flooding for geological body research precision. 3) through core calibration logging, depositional microfacies research can be carried out. On the basis of fine stratigraphic correlation, through the core calibration of the characteristics of each sedimentary microfacies logging curve, the study of single well sedimentary microfacies is carried out. The characteristics of core physical properties of three coring wells in the middle and late stages of water injection are used to determine the variation of reservoir porosity and permeability before and after injection. Based on the geological problems affecting chemical flooding in Xinglongtai reservoir of Block Jin16, this paper develops fine reservoir description, greatly improves the research precision of reservoir, and provides reliable geological basis for the expansion and deployment of chemical flooding well network in the whole area. It is very important to improve the effect of chemical flooding. At the same time, the research of this project provides a reference for the chemical flooding of the same type reservoirs in China.


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