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发布时间:2018-05-29 23:22

  本文选题:稠油 + 油溶性降粘剂 ; 参考:《中国石油大学(华东)》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国具有丰富而巨大的稠油资源。为了保障国家能源安全,维护国家利益,合理地开发和利用国内的稠油资源势在必行。然而,稠油高粘劣质的特性严重制约了其正常的开采和利用。油溶性降粘剂用于稠油降粘,具有使用工艺便捷、节约稀油用量、成本较低的优点,且避免了乳化降粘的破乳脱水问题,所以得到了研究者们广泛的关注。但是,油溶性降粘剂普遍存在降粘能力有限、普适性较差的缺陷,制约了其在油田开采、油品输送过程中的规模应用。本文以胜利孤东K92稠油作为降粘用油,首先分析了该油样的基本物化性质;然后针对孤东稠油胶质、沥青质含量高且杂原子多的特点,制备了一种马来酸酐-苯乙烯-丙烯酸十八酯-丙烯酰胺的四元聚合物ASMZ,作为油溶性降粘剂用于稠油降粘。实验研究和确定了其最佳的制备条件:马来酸酐-苯乙烯-丙烯酸十八酯-丙烯酰胺各单体的投料量的摩尔比为8.5:6:4:0.6,单体原料总量与反应溶剂用量比(w/w)为1:2,反应温度85℃,反应时间6 h,引发剂用量1.4%。最佳制备条件下的ASMZ,在使用温度50℃,用量500?g/g时,实际降粘率最高可达48.49%。使用GPC凝胶色谱法表征了ASMZ相对分子质量的大小及分布,数均分子量Mn在1~2万附近,重均分子量Mw在2至3万左右,分散性参数Mw/Mn在2左右。研究了特性粘数对其降粘效果的影响,发现特性粘数η值在30~40 mL/g范围时,降粘效果最好。将SDS、CTAB、NP-7等多种表面活性剂与ASMZ复配,考察了表面活性剂的种类、用量对降粘效果的影响。其中,SDS、NP-7、CTAB分别在0.7%、0.6%和0.8%的浓度时与500μg/g ASMZ有最佳的复配降粘效果,相应降粘率依次是68.59%、65.20%、60.26%。ASMZ与表面活性剂的复配降粘可以明显提升降粘剂的整体降粘效果。鉴于稠油油溶性降粘剂的相关理论研究的不足,本文探索了油溶性降粘剂ASMZ及其复配表面活性剂对孤东稠油实现降粘作用的内在机理。使用相对粘度法研究了降粘剂对稠油沥青质缔合度的影响;使用质量分数电导率法研究了降粘剂对稠油胶体稳定性的影响;利用红外光谱研究了ASMZ和复配表面活性剂对孤东稠油中沥青质的作用;由这些试验结果阐述和解释了降粘剂对孤东稠油的降粘作用机理。
[Abstract]:China is rich in heavy oil resources. In order to ensure national energy security and safeguard national interests, it is imperative to develop and utilize domestic heavy oil resources reasonably. However, the characteristics of high viscosity and poor quality of heavy oil seriously restrict its normal exploitation and utilization. The application of oil-soluble viscosity reducer to viscous oil has the advantages of convenient operation, low cost and low cost. Therefore, it has been paid more and more attention by researchers because it can avoid the demulsification and dehydration problem of emulsification and viscosity reduction. However, the limitation of viscosity reduction ability and poor universality of oil-soluble viscosity reducer restrict its application in oil field production and oil product transportation. Taking Shengli Gudong K92 heavy oil as viscosity reducing oil, the basic physical and chemical properties of this oil sample are analyzed, and then, in view of the characteristics of Gudong heavy oil colloid, the content of asphaltene is high and there are many hetero-atoms. A quaternary polymer ASMZ of maleic anhydride styrene-octadecyl acrylate and acrylamide was prepared and used as an oil-soluble viscosity reducer for viscous oil. The optimum preparation conditions were studied and determined: the molar ratio of maleic anhydride, styrene-octadecyl acrylate and acrylamide was 8.5: 6: 4: 0.6, the molar ratio of monomer to solvent was 1: 2, and the reaction temperature was 85 鈩,




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