本文选题:三维可视化 + 三维地震 ; 参考:《中国石油大学(华东)》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of oil and gas resources, the geological environment is becoming more and more complicated in the process of exploration and development, and the traditional drilling technology is facing more and more challenges. As a new comprehensive drilling technology, the geological guidance technology while drilling, through the comprehensive analysis of various information in drilling process, makes a real-time judgment on the geological properties of the drilling encounter formation, and controls the direction of the drill bit forward. To achieve the goal of accurately hitting the target reservoir. This technology can effectively solve the difficult problem of oil and gas resource development in complex geological environment, and has the advantages of increasing drilling rate and reducing drilling risk. It has a very broad application prospect. As a key part of the geological guidance technology while drilling, the 3D visualization technology of drilling data is still in the developing stage in China, and the related problems need to be further studied. Therefore, this topic will be based on the technical development frontier, aiming at the related content of data visualization while drilling, focusing on solving the problem of 3D seismic data visualization. On the basis of analyzing and summarizing the research contents of geological guidance while drilling technology and 3D visualization of seismic data at home and abroad, the research content of this subject is determined. By studying the theoretical knowledge of scientific computation visualization and 3D visualization method, the general processing flow of data visualization is clarified, and the realization principle of volume rendering technology is mastered. Firstly, the organization structure of 3D seismic data is analyzed, and the data processing flow, numerical analysis method and data extraction algorithm based on SEGY format file are given. Then the visualization method of seismic data is studied, and the realization method of seismic data waveform map, the algorithm of color mapping, the realization principle of variable density map and the algorithm of color interpolation are given. The representation structure and file conversion method of seismic data volume based on multi-resolution octree are presented, and a 3D spatial volume rendering algorithm based on texture mapping is implemented. Finally, according to the actual requirements of drilling while drilling, a solution of 3D visualization system based on OIV and QT is proposed, and the design ideas and implementation methods of each module are given, and the preliminary development of the system is completed. The system solves the main problems of visualization of seismic data volume while drilling, satisfies the functional requirements of rapid visualization of large scale data bodies, and lays a good foundation for the further application of drilling while drilling geological guided drilling technology.
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