发布时间:2018-06-12 11:18
本文选题:孤东油田九区 + 降解稠油 ; 参考:《长江大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:为优化生产,许多生产开发井是两个或多个油层混合开采的,弄清楚每个单油层对多层合采井的产量贡献比例,并动态监测石油产量随开采时间的变化、监测油井生产动态、对油藏进行分层管理、识别是否有油井槽窜或边水突进等现象,对于油田制定调整开发方案、优化油田管理具有重要意义。对重质稠油两层合采井,通常无法实施常规产液剖面测井,另外稠油因生物降解,正构烷烃的损失,用色谱指纹法研究稠油油藏合采井单层产能贡献又有一定局限性。而稠油中芳烃化合物保存相对完整,本文以孤东油田九区Ng55、Ng61两小层稠油合采井为例,通过实验室内对两单层稠油进行不同比例配比,应用全油色谱-质谱分析,筛选芳烃参数,计算合采井的单层产能贡献比例。研究发现孤东油田九区原油样品受到生物降解,正构烷烃损失,姥鲛烷与植烷凸显,含有一定量的β-胡萝卜烷;三环萜烷的相对含量较低,C23-三环萜烷相对丰度较高,C19-C21-C23-三环萜烷呈上升型;在藿烷系列中,C29藿烷丰度低于C30藿烷,伽马蜡烷与其它化合物共逸出峰,Ts略高于Tm,含有很高的25-降藿烷,原油遭到6-7级生物降解且可能为两期原油;ααα20RC27-ααα20RC28-ααα20RC29规则甾烷构型为“V”字型,C29丰度低于C27;芳烃分布呈现单峰前峰型,以三环及二环化合物为主,蒽的含量很少,检测出荧蒽、芘等化合物。1,2,5-/1,3,6-三甲基萘比值在0.87-6.27之间,2,3,6-三甲基萘/(2,3,6+1,2,5)-三甲基萘比值介于0.27-0.50,1,3,6,7-四甲基萘/(1,3,6,7+1,2,5,6)-四甲基萘比值介于0.25-0.43,MPI1值介于0.10-0.84,Rc值介于0.45%-0.90%;三芴系列化合物中,芴系列化合物含量最高,二苯并噻吩/菲值约为0.15。综上所述,孤东九区原油成熟度较高,母质来源以陆源有机质为主,同时有低等水生生物及藻类的贡献,沉积环境为淡水-微咸水湖相沉积环境。通过实验室内配比实验及验证,发现(1,4,6-TMN+2,3,6-TMN)/1,2,5-TMN比值与混合油中端元油所占比例有非常好的线性相关性,R2高达0.992,配比原油的Ng61小层原油所占比例的实际值与计算值之间误差小于5%;用同样的色谱-质谱分析条件分析了孤东九区来自Ng55、Ng61两小层合采的G09-3N2、GOGDR2*18、 GOGDR3-1、GOGDR3-13、GOGDR4-1、GOGDR4-7、GOGDR4-207井稠油样品,将各合采井原油的(1,4,6-TMN+2,3,6-TMN)/1,2,5-TMN比值投入到关系式中,求得各井Ng55、Ng61小层原油对产能的贡献比例。其中GOGDR3-1、GOGDR3-13井原油中,Ng55小层几乎已经没有贡献,原油主要来自Ng61小层,计算结果与研究区油层连通性较一致。另外通过配比实验还发现1,5-DMN的浓度与Ng61端元原油所占比例有最好的线性关系,R2高达0.984,实验室配比实验的Ng61小层原油所占比例的实际值与计算值之间误差小于10%;但依据1,5-DMN的绝对浓度值计算的结果很不理想,GOGDR2*18井、GOGDR3-13井及GOGDR4-7井计算的Ng61小层所占比例都超过了100%,而GOGDR4-1井、GOGDR3-1、G09-3N2井Ng61小层所占比例与另一种方法的比较,发现有较大的差距,这可能与实验、积分、化合物在原油中的含量等因素有关。
[Abstract]:In order to optimize production , many production and development wells are mixed and mined by two or more oil reservoirs . It is clear that each single oil layer contributes to the production contribution ratio of multi - layer combined production wells . In addition , it is of great significance to monitor the production dynamics of oil wells and to optimize oilfield management .
The relative content of tricyclic terpanes is relatively low , the relative abundance of C23 - tricyclic terpanes is higher , and that of C23 - C23 - tricyclic terpanes is higher .
In the hopane series , the abundance of C29 - hopane is lower than that of C30 - hopane , gamma - wax and other compounds , Ts is slightly higher than Tm , contains very high 25 - norhopane , the crude oil is biodegraded by 6 - 7 stages and may be two - phase crude oil ;
伪伪伪20RC27 - 伪伪20RC28 - 伪伪20RC29 Regular sterane configuration is " V " and C29 abundance is lower than C27 ;
The ratio of 1 , 2 , 5 - / 1,3,6 - trimethylnaphthalene / ( 2,3,6 , 7 + 1 , 2 , 5 , 6 ) - tetramethylnaphthalene is between 0 . 27 - 0 . 50 , 1 , 3 , 6 - trimethylnaphthalene / ( 1,3,6 , 7 + 1 , 2 , 5 , 6 ) - tetramethylnaphthalene ratio is between 0 . 27 - 0 . 50 , 1 , 3 , 6 , 7 - tetramethylnaphthalene / ( 1,3,6 , 7 + 1 , 2 , 5 , 6 ) - tetramethylnaphthalene ratio is between 0 . 25 - 0 . 43 , the value of MPI1 is between 0.10 and 0.84 , Rc is between 0.45 % and 0.90 % ;
In this paper , the content of fluorene series compounds is the highest , the dibenzothiophenes / phenanthropy value is about 0.15 . In conclusion , the crude oil maturity in Gudong - nine region is higher , the source of parent material is mainly based on terrigenous organic matter , and the sedimentary environment is fresh water - brackish water lake facies sedimentary environment .
G09 - 3N2 , GOGDR2 * 18 , GOGDR3 - 1 , GOGDR3 - 13 , GOGDR3 - 1 , GOGDR3 - 13 , GOGDR4 - 1 , GOGDR4 - 7 and GOGDR4 - 207 were analyzed by the same chromatography - mass spectrometry .
However , according to the absolute concentration values of 1,5 - DMN , the proportion of the wells of GOGDR4 - 1 , GOGDR3 - 13 and GOGDR4 - 7 is more than 100 % , while the proportion of GOGDR4 - 1 , GOGDR3 - 1 and G09 - 3N2 well is compared with that of the other method .
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