本文选题:蒙脱石 + 甲烷 ; 参考:《石油学报》2016年08期
[Abstract]:The adsorption behavior of methane in montmorillonite was studied by Monte Carlo method. The slit pore model of montmorillonite was constructed. The effects of pore size, temperature, water content and composition on the adsorption behavior of methane in montmorillonite were discussed. The mechanism of methane adsorption in montmorillonite was revealed. The results show that the average adsorption heat of methane decreases with the increase of pore size and is less than 42 KJ / mol, indicating that the adsorption of methane in montmorillonite is physical adsorption, and with the increase of pressure or decrease of pore size, the adsorption of methane in montmorillonite is a physical adsorption. The adsorption capacity of methane in the pore increases with the increase of pore size, but decreases with the increase of pore size in the mesoporous pore, and the adsorption capacity of methane gradually changes from the higher adsorption site to the lower energy adsorption site in the pore, which leads to the increase of the adsorption capacity of methane in the montmorillonite micropore, and the increase of the pore size in the mesoporous pore. The proportion of methane adsorbed gas in montmorillonite pore decreased with the increase of pressure or pore size. When the pore diameter was larger than 6nm, the free gas was dominant in montmorillonite pore, and the adsorption heat of methane decreased with the increase of temperature. The adsorption capacity of montmorillonite on methane gradually shifted from lower adsorption sites to higher adsorption sites, which resulted in the decrease of methane adsorption capacity of montmorillonite. Water molecules in montmorillonite pores are subjected to the joint action of van der Waals force and electrostatic energy, and water molecules occupy the adsorption sites and spaces of methane molecules, which results in the decrease of adsorption capacity of montmorillonite to methane. The order of adsorption ability of montmorillonite to gas is carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen, and the increase of nitrogen or carbon dioxide will decrease the mole fraction of methane in gas phase. The change of methane adsorption site and the decrease of methane adsorption space resulted in the decrease of methane adsorption capacity of montmorillonite.
【作者单位】: 西南石油大学油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室;
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