本文选题:岩溶 + 地下水 ; 参考:《昆明理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous changes in the environment for many years, the demand for groundwater is increasing, and the groundwater resources in karst areas, which are the main sources of water for life and production, are more likely to be polluted because of their rapid circulation speed, short cycle and more easy to be polluted. Therefore, the protection of the groundwater is of great practical significance. Water resources have played a great role in the development of hydrogeology for several decades. However, with the continuous development of the subject, it is found that the continuous use of numerical simulation models to detect the optimal management of the groundwater system can only be the design of repeated operation attempting to achieve a certain goal. The solution can only be a better solution, but it can not be the optimal solution. But the management model can give the optimal decision scheme under the various objectives and constraints required to meet the management. Therefore, the management model has an increasingly broad application prospect in the optimization management of the groundwater system. The Yunnan tranquil refinery is driven by China oil to drive me. The economic development of the southwest of the country and the optimization of the national energy structure are the strategic objectives. This paper, in view of the anti pollution problems of the karst fissure type karst aquifer under the construction area of the potential source of pollution in the refinery, combines the methods of field drilling, geophysical exploration, sampling analysis and hydrogeological tests to find out the area of the area. The four line loose layer is thinner and weakly impervious, the karst area has two horizontally horizontal karst, the western part exposing to the surface and the east to shallow cover. The main pollution way is the pollutants passing through the thinner loose layer into the karst water polluted karst water in the lower karst aquifer. The seepage velocity measured by the test belongs to the laminar flow state and is applicable to Darcy's law. The three-dimensional groundwater flow numerical simulation model and the pollutant solute transport simulation are established, and the three dimensional permeability coefficient is solved by the osmotic tensor. The pollution prevention and control disposal wells are set up by analyzing the pollution path and the runoff direction. On the premise that the effective intercepting funnel can be formed, the objective function is set up with the principle of the most economical cost, the sum of the total pumping amount is set up to the minimum, so as to satisfy the hydraulic conditions without causing adverse environmental problems as a constraint condition, the groundwater pollution prevention and control management model is established by embedding method, and the optimal solution is obtained, which is the groundwater of the refinery. It provides a scientific basis for antifouling management, and provides some reference for the prevention and control of groundwater pollution in similar karst areas.
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