[Abstract]:The reservoir of Chang8-1 submember of Zhenbei Yutianzhen block 218 has typical low permeability characteristics, strong reservoir heterogeneity, unclear understanding of sand body distribution law, and no detailed anatomy of sand body inside the reservoir and the establishment of 3D geological model. The further development of Zhen218 block reservoir is seriously restricted. Aiming at these problems, this paper selects Zhen218 block as the research object, uses the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to dissect the internal configuration of the reservoir in the study area in detail, and calculates the physical parameters of the low permeability reservoir by different structural element units. Three dimensional configuration model and three dimensional reservoir attribute model of Chang 8s 1 submember of Zhen218 block are established, and different methods are used to verify the model. The main achievements and understandings are as follows: (1) it is considered that the Changzhou-1 submember of Zhen218 block belongs to braided river delta front sedimentation, the sand body is distributed in the direction of the south-west to the east, the transverse distribution is wide, and the thickness of the sand body is large. The phenomenon of vertical superposition of channel sand bodies in multiple periods is often observed, which is beneficial to oil and gas reservoir. (2) the internal sand body configuration interface of Chang 8-1 submember reservoir in Zhen218 block can be subdivided into 5 grades. Among them, the interface of order 3-5 controls the internal gradation characteristics. The interface of grade 3 defines the range of the accretive body in the channel sand body. The interface of grade 4 limits the range of the sand body of a single channel, and the interface of level 5 limits the scale of the composite sand body. According to the sedimentary origin, the interface of the study area is divided into three types: muddy, physical property and calcareous, and the logging identification criteria for the interfaces of different genetic configurations are established. (3) the characteristics of the internal grading system of Chang 8201 submember reservoir in Zhen218 block are expounded. Three methods for identifying the boundary of single channel in the front edge of braided river delta are summarized. The empirical formula between sand body thickness and channel width is established. The formation stage of the channel is subdivided into 5 periods, and five types of spatial contact relations of sand body are identified. The configuration model of underwater distributary channel in front of braided river delta in the study area is analyzed in detail. (4) the log interpretation model of physical parameters such as shale content, porosity, permeability, oil saturation and other physical parameters of low permeability reservoir in Zhen218 block is established. The physical parameters of low permeability reservoir are obtained accurately, the accuracy of porosity and permeability parameters is high, the error of core analysis is obviously reduced, and the matching relationship between liquid production intensity and permeability parameters is better. The coincidence rate of oil test and production test is close to 90, and the logging interpretation conclusion is more reasonable in this paper. (5) the 3D structural model, 3D reservoir configuration model and reservoir attribute model constrained by reservoir configuration are established, respectively. The model is verified by the consistency test of probability distribution between statistical parameters and input parameters, the test of reservoir numerical simulation, and the comparison of the results of reservoir configuration constraint and non-reservoir configuration constraint model. The results show that the geological model is in good agreement with the actual geological conditions and has high accuracy.
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