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发布时间:2018-08-02 18:49
[Abstract]:As of 2012, more than half of the open well production well in the four atmosphere area of CNPC accounted for about 60% of the total output, and 85% of the well produced water in the well was less than 50m3. The output of single well was reduced to 20%-85% after water production, which brought serious challenges to the continuous and stable production of gas fields. It is one of the main processes of liquid gas extraction at present. The former research mainly focuses on the research and development of the drainage agent, and has developed a series of soaking agents for different water quality conditions, but little research on the method of fluid accumulation and the optimization of drainage technology. It is a typical medium and low production water gas field in astringent North gas field. This paper takes astringent North gas field as an example. This paper focuses on the method of hydropic diagnosis and drainage optimization, and forms a set of experiments from the diagnosis of fluid accumulation and the prediction of liquid accumulation and the experiment of bubbling agent band pressure. The research and development of the equipment, the research and development of high anti salt draining agent, a complete set of foam drainage and gas extraction technology in the different production conditions of the gas wells of different production conditions to the effect evaluation, are well applied, effectively solving the problem of scientific drainage and gas production in the medium and low production water and gas fields. The main achievements are as follows: 1, combining the dynamic data of the gas field production, the system has been obtained. The effluent status and influence of the whole gas field are analyzed. It is concluded that the history of the effluent from the astringent gas field is divided into three stages, which are condensate water period, stable effluent period and rapid growth period of effluent, and the effluent is at the rapid growth stage. The effluent is mainly distributed on the structural edge in the plane, and the northeast is relatively serious in the north-west; in the longitudinal direction, it is mainly in II, III, IV, respectively. The effluent of the layer system, especially the III layer, has the most serious effluent. The capacity of the gas well after the effluent is reduced by 48.6%, the output decline is 5%-47%, the average output is reduced by 21.88%, the effect of the effluent is very serious. 2, through the analysis of the critical flow, the oil casing pressure difference, the oil pipe effusion prediction, the gas well productivity analysis, the expert experience analysis and so on, a variety of fluid diagnosis methods. Comprehensive analysis, mutual validation, innovation and establishment of multi factor gas well fluid diagnosis method, and developed computer software. The accuracy rate can reach 95.77%. for the accumulated liquid gas well. On the basis of analyzing the existing problems of the current calculation model, a new calculation model of liquid accumulation is established, which greatly improves the prediction accuracy and through the measured data. In contrast, the average error rate of the oil pipe surface position is 5.59%, the average error rate of the annular liquid surface position is 4.31%. The effect is good in the application of the gas field in astringent North gas field. 3, in view of the problem that the equipment can not load the pressure and evaluate the far difference between the environment and the actual field, a set of new evaluation equipment is set up, and the temperature is evaluated at room temperature -200, and the pressure is: Atmospheric pressure -25MPa provides an analytical and testing means for the development and evaluation of high performance soaking agents. On the basis of the new evaluation equipment, a high salt resistant bubble discharge agent has been developed by the combination of amphoteric ionic surfactants and anionic surfactants. Its salinity can reach 250000mg/L, its foaming, stability, and liquid carrying properties are all 4, combining the characteristics of the effluent from the Shibei gas field, the adaptability of various drainage gas production processes in the astringent gas field is analyzed, and the main body drainage and gas production process is recommended as the bubble row in the astringent gas field, and the selection control chart of the gas drainage gas production mode for different effluent wells is developed, and the drainage and gas extraction mode is recommended for more than 500 wells. Combined with the gas field distribution scheme, it provides the necessary basis for the gas field management decision; 5, the method of fluid accumulation diagnosis and the optimization technique of drainage in the gas field are popularized and applied effectively to reduce the effect of the effluent on the production of gas wells. Among them, the high efficiency anti salt draining agent is popularized and applied in 112 wells 511 wells, and the optimum design of 179 wells has reached 94. The efficiency of the test is 94. It has achieved remarkable results, and has become one of the main technologies for stabilizing and improving single well production in the Shibei gas field.


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