发布时间:2018-08-10 18:24
[Abstract]:The presence of particles in the oil will affect the normal operation of the equipment. The dynamic characteristics of each phase in the suspension flow with different initial velocity are investigated, and the kinetic model of the oil containing suspended particles is established by using the continuum model. The change trend of phase parameters under different initial velocities is obtained by means of the characteristic line method. The results show that under different initial velocities, the pressure and velocity of the oil at the beginning, middle and end of the pipeline are at the odd times of T / 4, integer times and even times, respectively, and their periodic (T) decreases with the increase of initial velocity. The concentration distribution of suspended particles is opposite to that of oil pressure.
【作者单位】: 重庆工商大学废油资源化技术与装备工程研究中心;
[Abstract]:The presence of particles in the oil will affect the normal operation of the equipment. The dynamic characteristics of each phase in the suspension flow with different initial velocity are investigated, and the kinetic model of the oil containing suspended particles is established by using the continuum model. The change trend of phase parameters under different initial velocities is obtained by means of the characteristic line method. The results show that under different initial velocities, the pressure and velocity of the oil at the beginning, middle and end of the pipeline are at the odd times of T / 4, integer times and even times, respectively, and their periodic (T) decreases with the increase of initial velocity. The concentration distribution of suspended particles is opposite to that of oil pressure.
【作者单位】: 重庆工商大学废油资源化技术与装备工程研究中心;
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