发布时间:2018-08-12 19:06
【摘要】:油页岩热解过程中产生大量的轻质气体副产品,这种副产品因具有良好的可燃性而用作燃料进行燃烧。由于国内外对油页岩热解过程中轻质气体析出特性的研究鲜有报道,因此本论文采用热重-红外-质谱三联机和固相红外对其进行研究,主要从以下几方面开展研究工作: 通过热重试验,考察了四种油页岩样品的热解失重特性,发现油页岩热解过程中总挥发分的析出趋势一致。在80~150℃之间析出少量气体,随着温度的升高,150℃之后挥发分逐渐析出,在450~480℃左右挥发分大量析出。 通过质谱和红外试验考察了油页岩热解过程中H2O、H2、CO、CO2、CH4和CnHm六种轻质气体的析出规律。随着温度的升高,H2、CH4和CnHm的析出速率曲线大致相似,呈高斯分布;CO和CO2的析出速率曲线大致相似,先是缓慢增加,随后快速增加,,达到最大值后又快速下降直到热解结束;H2O的析出速率曲线相对比较复杂,首先是油页岩内水的析出,然后是矿物质的结晶水析出,最后为热解水的析出,析出速率在三个阶段内均是先增大,达到最大值而后减小。 不同升温速率下六种轻质气体析出活化能和频率因子为176~249KJ·mol-1和109~1013S-1,随着升温速率的增大,活化能呈略微增大趋势,频率因子逐渐增大。在热解失重方面,随着升温速率的增大,油页岩热解起始温度和终止温度逐渐升高、整个热解过程的失重率逐渐减小、最大失重速率对应的温度逐渐增大和热解过程轻质气体的析出温度范围逐渐变宽;在轻质气体析出特性温度方面,轻质气体的初始析出温度、终止析出温度和最大析出速率对应的温度都随着升温速率的增大而逐渐增大;在轻质气体析出累计产量方面,升温速率的增大导致轻质气体的析出累计产量呈略微增大趋势并表现出了一定的滞后性。
[Abstract]:Oil shale pyrolysis produces a large number of light gas by-products, which are used as fuel for combustion because of their good flammability. Because there are few reports on the characteristics of light gas precipitation in oil shale pyrolysis process, the thermogravimetric infrared mass spectrometry and solid phase infrared spectroscopy are used to study the characteristics of oil shale pyrolysis in this paper. The main research work is as follows: through thermogravimetric test, the pyrolysis weight loss characteristics of four kinds of oil shale samples were investigated, and it was found that the precipitation trend of total volatile matter in the pyrolysis process of oil shale was consistent. A small amount of gas was precipitated between 80 鈩
[Abstract]:Oil shale pyrolysis produces a large number of light gas by-products, which are used as fuel for combustion because of their good flammability. Because there are few reports on the characteristics of light gas precipitation in oil shale pyrolysis process, the thermogravimetric infrared mass spectrometry and solid phase infrared spectroscopy are used to study the characteristics of oil shale pyrolysis in this paper. The main research work is as follows: through thermogravimetric test, the pyrolysis weight loss characteristics of four kinds of oil shale samples were investigated, and it was found that the precipitation trend of total volatile matter in the pyrolysis process of oil shale was consistent. A small amount of gas was precipitated between 80 鈩