oil trade quote currency for oil trade political attributes
The International Political and Economic Game of Quote Currency for Oil Trade
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Ouyang Xu,Shu Xianlin(School of Law and Business,Wuhan Institute of Technology,Wuhan Hubei 430205)
Abstr:Oil trade is not simply the transaction of a commodity but has more political and financial attributes and this is also the reason why world powers squabble for the quote currency for international oil trade.With its strong economic strength and the establishment of the Bretton Woods system,the United States established,and reaped a great deal of benefits from,the position of Petro-Dollar after the WWⅡ.However,as the Dollar continuously depreciates and also due to some other factors such as Twin Deficits and New Triffin Dilemma,the Petro-Dollar system has been on the slide.Euro,Ruble and Yen are competing for the position of a new predominant quote currency in oil trade.A multi-currency system is set to come true for international oil trade.There are several scenarios for the establishment of such a system.One is using the currencies of more than one major economy as the valuation basis to establish a multi-currency pricing system for oil trade.The second scenario is to introduce the International Oil Currency.The third scenario is to use SDR as the valuation basis.In the face of intense competition for the position of oil pricing and transaction currency,China should,by making full use of the vast oil trade surplus in the world market,on the one hand create financial and legal environment favorable for investment and on the other hand prevent negative influence on the domestic financial market and national economic security.China should also seek to establish its own energy futures agencies to more effectively take part in international energy futures trade.
Keyword::oil trade quote currency for oil trade political attributes financial attributes Petro-Dollar monopoly multi-currency pricing system