发布时间:2018-08-19 14:39
【摘要】:对准噶尔盆地东部侏罗系烃源岩有机地球化学特征进行了研究,结果显示准噶尔盆地东部侏罗系烃源岩有机碳含量分布范围广泛,TOC为0.13%~81.06%,烃源岩评价为差—中等生油潜力,但生气潜力较大;镜质体反射率Ro分布和与热演化程度相关的生物标志化合物参数(OEP值、CPI值、甾烷和藿烷异构化参数、甲基菲指数等)表明大多数烃源岩处于未成熟—低成熟热演化阶段;有机质类型以III型为主,部分八道湾组和西山窑组烃源岩为II2型。此外,对准噶尔盆地东部侏罗系天然气组分和碳同位素组成分析结果表明,侏罗系天然气以烃类气体为主,甲烷含量为65%~98%,C1/C1-5为0.62~0.98,以湿气为主,碳同位素组成分布范围较广,其中甲烷同位素组成δ13 C1值为-50.7‰~-28.2‰,乙烷δ13 C2为-32.5‰~-23.7‰,丙烷δ13 C3值为-30.6‰~-21.6‰,以煤型气为主,仅三台—北三台地区天然气显示为油型气-煤型气混合的特征。在对准噶尔盆地东部地区侏罗系煤系烃源岩和天然气样品分析的基础上,通过与吐哈盆地典型低熟气区烃源岩和天然气地球化学特征对比认为准噶尔盆地东部阜东和三台—北三台地区已形成一定规模的低熟气聚集,具有巨大的勘探潜力,是准噶尔盆地低熟气有望取得突破的重点地区。
[Abstract]:The organic geochemical characteristics of Jurassic source rocks in the eastern Junggar Basin are studied. The results show that the organic carbon content of Jurassic source rocks in the eastern Junggar Basin is widely distributed in the range of 0.13 and 81.06, and the source rocks are evaluated as poor to moderate oil generation potential. The distribution of vitrinite reflectance Ro and the parameters of biomarker related to the degree of thermal evolution (OEP), sterane and hopane isomerization parameters, The methyl phenanthrene index shows that most of the source rocks are in the immature to low mature thermal evolution stage, and the organic matter type is mainly III type, while some of the Badaowan and Xishanyao formation source rocks are of II2 type. In addition, the analysis of natural gas composition and carbon isotopic composition of Jurassic in the eastern Junggar Basin shows that the natural gas of Jurassic is mainly hydrocarbon gas, and the methane content is 65 ~ (98) C _ (1 / C _ (1-5) = 0.620.98). The main gas is wet gas, and the distribution range of carbon isotopic composition is relatively wide. The 未 13C1 value of methane isotopic composition is -50.7 鈥,
[Abstract]:The organic geochemical characteristics of Jurassic source rocks in the eastern Junggar Basin are studied. The results show that the organic carbon content of Jurassic source rocks in the eastern Junggar Basin is widely distributed in the range of 0.13 and 81.06, and the source rocks are evaluated as poor to moderate oil generation potential. The distribution of vitrinite reflectance Ro and the parameters of biomarker related to the degree of thermal evolution (OEP), sterane and hopane isomerization parameters, The methyl phenanthrene index shows that most of the source rocks are in the immature to low mature thermal evolution stage, and the organic matter type is mainly III type, while some of the Badaowan and Xishanyao formation source rocks are of II2 type. In addition, the analysis of natural gas composition and carbon isotopic composition of Jurassic in the eastern Junggar Basin shows that the natural gas of Jurassic is mainly hydrocarbon gas, and the methane content is 65 ~ (98) C _ (1 / C _ (1-5) = 0.620.98). The main gas is wet gas, and the distribution range of carbon isotopic composition is relatively wide. The 未 13C1 value of methane isotopic composition is -50.7 鈥,