[Abstract]:With the rapid development of national economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the number of motor vehicles in China has increased rapidly, and the number of gas stations has also increased. Because of the irresistible natural force, the potential risk factors in the operation of gas stations and the imperfect production facilities may cause certain risks and hazards to the workers, users and the surrounding environment of refueling stations. On the one hand, gas stations receive and receive various types of flammable or combustible items such as gasoline, diesel, oil, lubricating oil, etc. On the other hand, gas stations are mostly located in prime areas with developed traffic, with vehicles and frequent personnel exchanges. The probability of safety accidents is high, and the fire and explosion accidents will seriously affect the lives of nearby residents. In order to prevent and reduce gas station accidents, we must carry out safety evaluation in the early stage of new refueling station, identify the dangerous and harmful factors existing in gas station, so as to achieve and ensure the normal safe operation of refueling station. To ensure the property safety of the state and the people, and to ensure the optimal safety investment benefit of the refueling station in the best safe production condition. Therefore, it is of great significance to carry out the evaluation and application research of gas station operation safety.
【作者单位】: 中石油四川销售公司成都分公司;
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