[Abstract]:The main contents of this preliminary design project are the design of natural gas pipeline in the main line of the east line of gas supply (Panjimen station to Gaosheng station, Lengjia station section) and the gas distribution pipe network (Gaosheng station, Lengjia station). The design requirement is that the gas transmission capacity of the east route network is 10.18 脳 10 ~ 8m3 / a, the total length of the trunk pipeline is 42.7 km, and the total length of the gas distribution network is 27.03 km. This design is mainly based on the researchable design, using the process calculation software of PIPELINESTUDIO2.8 version of ESI Company of England, and selecting the COLEBROOK formula to calculate the process. After different design pressure and pipe diameter, according to the change of natural gas quantity, In order to optimize the operation of pipeline and take the project investment of pipeline into full consideration, the optimal scheme is determined by optimizing and comparing different process schemes. Through calculation and comparison, the design pressure of the main line (Panjimen station to Gaosheng pressure regulating station, Lengjia regulating station) is determined. The design pressure is 3.9 MPA, the diameter of the pipe varies from DN200 to DN350, and the pipe material is L360MB. The design pressure of gas distribution network (Gaosheng regulator station, Lengjia pressure regulator station) is 0.6MPa, pipe diameter ranges from DN100 to DN350, material L245 or 20# steel. The factors of pipeline crossing engineering, pipeline laying, pipeline seismic protection, pipe-clearing and pressure test, pipeline anticorrosion and so on are comprehensively analyzed, and the final technological scheme is determined.
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