[Abstract]:A great breakthrough has been made in the deep water exploration of Qiongdongnan Basin, but there are many doubtful points in understanding the characteristics of deep-water natural gas accumulation. It is urgent to carry out systematic analysis of the origin, source, process and model of natural gas accumulation. It is considered that natural gas in L 17 deep water gas field is mainly hydrocarbon gas and low carbon dioxide content. Natural gas methane and ethane carbon isotope characteristics indicate that natural gas is organic and highly mature coal type gas. The high content of naphthenic hydrocarbons in the series of natural gas light hydrocarbon C _ 6 and C _ S _ 7 indicates that the natural gas source materials are mainly terrestrial higher plants. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the maturation history of the Oligocene source rocks in the Eocene in this area, it is concluded that the natural gas of the L17 deep water gas field is derived from the source rocks of the Yacheng formation of the Oligocene. During the late Miocene Yellow current period in the deep water area of the basin, large confined block transport deposits were developed, resulting in the formation of high quality sandstone reservoirs, and the high density sand mass transport deposits were enclosed by the surrounding deep-sea mudstone and the structural pattern of "west low east high", and so on. The mature and highly mature natural gas generated by the source rocks of the Yacheng formation of the Oligocene has been reactivated by overpressure along the deep layer driven by the pressure-source differential, and formed a lithologic trap group of the Huangliu formation in the Upper Miocene, and the source rocks of the Yacheng formation of the Oligocene have been reactivated by overpressure. The faults or microcracks in the early geological structure, which were opened and formed, migrated upward to the lithologic trap group of the Huangliu formation of the Upper Miocene to form a reservoir, with "source rock, large sand block transport and sedimentary sandstone reservoir," High quality deep-sea mudstone seal and fault / microfissures transport "four elements of coupled reservoir control characteristics." It is pointed out that the areas of Mesocene Meishan formation in the deep water area have favorable conditions for forming deep water large gas fields, such as the subbasin fan tectonic-lithologic trap group, the southern slope and uplift reef, and the Paleogene riparian Lingshui formation fault trap.
【作者单位】: 中海石油(中国)有限公司湛江分公司南海西部石油研究院;
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