[Abstract]:Directional cluster perforation technology integrates the technical advantages of cluster perforation and directional perforation, and solves a series of technical problems. In order to obtain better oil and gas development effect, the gravity eccentricity of perforator itself is studied. The transmission of axial center contact signal and the sealing isolation between clusters after perforation have realized the functions of self-orientation of perforator, dynamic transmission of signal, reliable addressing and selecting emitter hole, sealing between clusters after perforation, etc, in horizontal well of cable transmission, such as self-orientation of perforator, dynamic transmission of signal, reliable addressing and selecting emitter hole, sealing between clusters after perforation, etc. A set of directional cluster perforation technology for cable transport in horizontal wells was developed by combining perforation with bridge plug or multiple cluster perforation. The results of application in the field of unconventional gas reservoirs such as shale gas and coalbed methane show that the orientation is accurate, the hole selection is reliable, the seal between clusters is good, and the technical effect is obvious. The directional cluster perforation technique has overcome the perforation problem of the main production layer of wellbore trajectory migration, has a clear goal and directivity, has the ability to support the subsequent reservoir reconstruction, and impel the fracturing fluid to act to the maximum extent in the main production layer. The high quality and high efficiency development of unconventional gas reservoir can be realized by making complex fracture network of reservoir.
【作者单位】: 中国石油川庆钻探工程公司测井公司;
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