[Abstract]:As a new technology of energy saving and environmental protection, the oil and gas emission treatment technology is still a new industry in China. This paper takes the oil storage and transportation in petrochemical industry and refinery plant as the background, and takes the oil and gas emission treatment system project as the theme. The automatic control system for oil and gas emission processing is studied. In this paper, the following design and research work is mainly carried out. 1. A new pressure swing adsorption technology is introduced, and a set of optimized technology matching with the process device is studied and designed around this technology. Computer three-level management mode of automatic control of the overall scheme. Include: first level control equipment level part, two-level field monitoring operation level part, and three-level information management level part. The modular research method is used to refine and decompose the oil product storage and transportation process scientifically, and the Siemens programmable controller S7-300, the 3D force control monitoring software, etc., are adopted in the automatic control method. The automatic control flow and process requirement of oil and gas discharge treatment are realized. The automatic program of carbon bed switching, vacuum pump startup and circuit control program are studied and designed. By calculating the amount of oil and gas adsorbed to determine the state of a set of electric valves, Finally, the working temperature of activated carbon is much lower than that of oil and gas ignition point. The temperature and life of activated carbon in adsorption tower is the focus of normal operation of oil and gas discharge treatment unit under adsorption process. The real time detection and recording of adsorption tower temperature are studied and designed. Early warning procedure, to control beforehand, to control the temperature of activated carbon by combining the design of monitoring and control program with the research and development of adsorbent, to increase its service life .4. to detect the temperature of the cooling loop of vacuum pump, and to detect the flow rate. The vacuum pump enters the standby state switch, for the return oil cycle automatic establishment and the release and so on function carries on the comprehensive automation control research and the design, realizes the entire device to run automatically, the energy consumption is extremely low. 5, in the automatic control system installation and the debugging, Based on the field experience, the field setting process of PID parameters is studied in detail. This paper summarizes the difficulties and experiences in PID debugging, and how to effectively solve the electromagnetic compatibility problem in the installation of field equipment, and studies the hardware configuration, software parameter setting, and field installation and welding of optical fiber communication.
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