[Abstract]:Salt rock reservoirs are used as energy storage media at home and abroad because of their excellent properties such as water solubility, good creep, damage self-recovery, low permeability and large plastic deformation capacity, high utilization rate of salt rock caverns, small area occupied, large instantaneous throughput and easy excavation. Surrounding rock mass has better safety, but the salt rock reserve layer in our country has the characteristics of lower salt rock grade, more interbeds, shallow burial, thin rock thickness and so on, and the cavity construction process is invisible, unable to control the shape of the cavity; in the long-term brine immersion, the mechanical properties of salt rock change; insoluble or insoluble interbeds collapse. Salt rock gas storage cavern construction is a complex system engineering, reasonable selection of cavern construction technology and method is possible to get the design form, including the choice of freshwater cycle, the combination of cavity string, the determination of freshwater injection and displacement, roof and floor protection. Protection measures, cavity shape detection, oil cushion position control and supporting ground equipment, etc. Only when these problems are correctly and reasonably solved in the process of cavity construction, can the built cavity meet the requirements of gas storage. The main contents and achievements of this paper are as follows: (1) The principle of water-soluble cavity construction in layered underground gas storage and the technology of single well convection water-soluble cavity construction are analyzed. The main factors affecting the dissolution rate of salt minerals, including the grade of salt minerals, are introduced. The internal factors such as structure, water solubility, composition and solution concentration, movement state, spatial position of solution surface, temperature and pressure, and properties of solvent were simulated. The key factors include: circulation mode, salt rock grade, water injection and discharge, pipe string combination, number of interlayer and position of oil cushion. The simulation results show that the cavity shape is very irregular if the Cavity-making technology is not properly selected. 3. Through in-depth analysis of the typical accident causes of layered salt rock underground gas storage. Combined with the actual geological conditions of Jintan salt cavern gas storage and the influencing factors in the process of cavern construction, the paper analyzes the dangerous sources which may cause the accidents in the cavern construction period of the salt cavern gas storage from the aspects of salt rock and interlayer characteristics, stratum characteristics, cavity design, construction control, supporting facilities and human errors, and establishes the cavern construction of stratified salt rock gas storage. Based on the qualitative analysis of the fault tree, all possible approaches and basic causes of the accident during the cavity construction period are obtained. 4. The risk factors obtained from the fault tree are classified according to their different properties and are divided into three evaluation units, i.e. mechanical parameters of salt rock, interlayer parameters and cavity construction parameters. The safety evaluation system of layered salt rock gas reservoir during cavity construction period is established. Based on the previous experimental research and numerical simulation results of the members of this research group, the index scoring model of the safety evaluation system is established. _Based on variable weight and relative difference function, the safety evaluation of the proposed M well salt rock gas reservoir during cavity construction period is carried out. The index constant weight is adjusted by the variable weight method, and the variable weight is changed with the change of the evaluation value. It can highlight the impact of the obvious change of the evaluation value of individual index on the evaluation results. If the evaluation value of individual index is very low, the weight will be greatly improved after the variable weight treatment. The membership degree of the grade is determined by the relative difference function, which can reflect the importance of some influencing factors in the evaluation system. _According to the three controllable factors of the layered salt gas storage cavern construction period: the position of interlayer (which can be realized by adjusting the buried depth of the cavern), the ratio of height to diameter of the cavern, and the spacing between ore pillars are optimized. The interlayer position has three levels: 1/4H, 3/4H, 1/2. H, in which H is the cavity height; the ratio of height to diameter is set at three levels: 1.0D, 1.5D, 2.0D; the width of pillar is set at three levels: 1.0D, 1.5D, 2.0D, D is the cavity diameter. The stress and the average stress of the interlayer and the displacement of the apex, the bottom, the waist and the interlayer of the cavity are taken as the experimental indexes. The values of height-diameter ratio and pillar width are brought into the evaluation model of height-diameter ratio and pillar width in Chapter 4, and the scores are both 100, which is the best level, which verifies the accuracy of numerical simulation.
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