[Abstract]:Due to the special sedimentary environment of conglomerate reservoir, the pore structure of the reservoir presents complex modal characteristics, and the percolation system is dominated by "thin-network-non-reticular" flow state. The study of microscopic seepage mechanism and their differences between water flooding and polymer flooding has become the difficulty and key to improve oil recovery. Karamay oilfield is a typical conglomerate reservoir. The microcosmic displacement mechanism of hydrophilic and weakly oil-lipophilic rocks is studied by CT scanning technique. Based on the analysis of the influencing factors of oil displacement efficiency, the final recovery calculation model of conglomerate reservoir under two displacement modes is established. The experimental results show that the mechanism of hydrophilic rock flooding and polymer flooding in conglomerate reservoir is mainly "crawling" displacement along the rock surface, while the weak oil-lipophilic rock is mainly "protruded" displacement along the middle of the pore, due to the difference of seepage mechanism. After hydrophilic rock flooding, the residual oil mainly exists in the fine throat and pore interface, and the polymer solution cuts the residual oil into a lot of small oil droplets through a stronger shearing and dragging effect. Furthermore, with the polymer solution moving forward through the narrow throat to improve the oil recovery, the residual oil after water flooding of weakly oil-lipophilic rock is mainly oil film shape and fine pore formation. The polymer solution is driven by polymer displacement from the particle surface by bridging the oil film and forming the oil wire by means of stronger shear stress. Due to the essential difference between polymer solution and injected aqueous solution, the effect of complex mode pore structure on percolation and displacement of polymer solution is much smaller than that of water flooding solution. Therefore, for two kinds of different wettability rocks, the pore structure of reservoir is the main controlling factor of water flooding efficiency, the influence of physical property and oil content is small, while the effect of polymer flooding has good correlation with residual oil saturation after water flooding. The established model can effectively predict the oil recovery of two oil reservoirs in displacement stage.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院大学地球科学学院;中国科学院计算地球动力学重点实验室;中国石油新疆油田公司勘探开发研究院;
【基金】:中国科学院大学校部青年教师科研启动基金项目(55103BY00) 中国石油天然气集团公司重大科技专项(2011B-1104)资助
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