[Abstract]:As the oilfield enters the stage of high water cut development, the operation energy consumption of the combined station is increasing and the operation efficiency is decreasing. The combined station is an organic whole composed of single equipment. Each unit equipment is interrelated and restricted each other. The optimal operation of single equipment can not guarantee the system to be in the optimal state of operation. So it is necessary to analyze and understand the whole and part of the energy use of the combined station and to optimize the operation parameters of the joint station from the system point of view. In this paper, the energy consumption analysis and operation parameter optimization of the combined station are studied under the certain technological process of the combined station, taking the first station of pure beam as the research object. Firstly, the energy balance model of the main equipment of the combined station is established and the energy balance analysis is carried out. On the basis of the energy analysis of the main equipment, the overall energy balance analysis model of the combined station is established, and the overall energy use analysis of the combined station is carried out. Then, on the basis of the simulation of the operation parameters of the combined station, the operating cost is calculated, and taking the lowest operation cost as the objective function, the parameters affecting the operation cost of the joint station are analyzed and determined, and the constraint conditions of the operation parameters are determined. The optimization model is established and the heuristic genetic algorithm is chosen to solve the optimization model. After optimization, the operating cost of the combined station was reduced from 22.732 million before optimization to 20.503 million per year, and the unit consumption was reduced from the 16.35kgce/t before optimization to 15.32 kgces / t, indicating that the technological process was not modified. The purpose of saving energy and reducing consumption can also be achieved by optimizing operation parameters. Finally, the software of energy consumption analysis and operation optimization is developed with C builder programming tool.
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