[Abstract]:At present, with the continuous exploitation and use of traditional fossil energy (coal, oil and natural gas), people are constantly looking for new energy sources that can replace traditional fossil energy in the future. Under the same conditions, the carbon content of natural gas hydrate is much higher than that of other fossil fuels, so natural gas hydrate as a new clean energy alternative to fossil fuels has attracted worldwide attention. However, the exploitation of gas hydrate becomes very difficult, so it is very important to study the exploitation and exploitation process of gas hydrate. The advantages of deep-water shallow gas hydrate solid-state fluidized mining are compared. Based on this mining method, the underwater pre-separation module in the process is mainly studied. This paper analyzes and summarizes the existing mature underwater separation systems and separation processes at home and abroad, and finds that the published literature on the technology of underwater separation for solid-state fluidized mining of non-diagenetic gas hydrates is almost negligible. There is no mature theory or experience to use for reference, so it is of great practical significance to study this problem. In this paper, combined with the related properties of natural gas hydrate and the technology of solid-state fluidized mining, aiming at the shortage and blank of the existing technology, a kind of solid-state fluidization suitable for natural gas hydrate is proposed. Based on the proposed seabed separation process, the model of natural gas hydrate mixture slurry is simplified as a solid-solid-liquid separation process consisting of only mud-sand solids, hydrate granular solids and seawater. Desanding and purification of natural gas hydrate mixture slurry were carried out by using the flow field simulation software Fluent. The effects of cone angle, feed rate and particle size on the separation efficiency of hydrocyclone were analyzed respectively under the condition that the structure of hydrocyclone was determined. However, a small amount of methane gas in the gas hydrate mixture slurry is also taken into account in order to make the reaction more realistic. The model of the mixture slurry changes from solid-solid-liquid to solid-solid-gas-liquid separation. Because of the existence of more than one phase gas, the traditional hydrocyclone structure can no longer meet the separation requirements, so this paper based on this. A kind of hydrocyclone-double cone-inner cone hydrocyclone suitable for degassing and desanding of hydrate mixture slurry was designed.Under the condition of the structure of the hydrocyclone being determined,the flow field simulation software Fluent was used to simulate the inlet velocity at different inlet pressures and different cone angles with different particle sizes under different inlet pressures. The influence of inlet and outlet pressure on separation efficiency under different inlet gas volume fraction and constant inlet and outlet pressure difference is analyzed and studied, which provides a reference for designing more suitable and effective separation equipment in the future.
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