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发布时间:2018-09-04 08:05
[Abstract]:Shale gas, as a new oil and gas resource, has greatly changed the existing energy structure and expanded the field of oil and gas energy development. Shale gas is not a newly discovered oil and gas resource in recent years. In the past drilling exploration and development, a small amount of gas spills out when drilling shale formation, but it is not a valuable gas source. Most of the gas-producing shale rocks are widely distributed, thick and generally gas-bearing, which enable shale gas wells to produce gas steadily for a long time. However, the permeability of shale gas reservoirs is low and it is difficult to exploit. With the development of drilling technology, horizontal well technology and hydraulic fracturing technology, as key technologies of shale gas development, accelerate shale gas generation. In order to speed up the development of shale gas exploration and development technology, Chongqing Fuling shale gas project has been taken as a national demonstration area to form a complete set of technical measures for efficient shale gas development. In order to ensure the safe and efficient drilling, Fuling block has implemented a variety of drilling measures. This paper mainly studies the problem of increasing the speed of Fuling inclined section. The speed-increasing drilling technology used in the inclined section is mainly composite drilling technology and the air for the leakage problem. Foam directional drilling technology, in addition to the introduction of speed-increasing tools to improve drilling efficiency in the deviated section. Composite drilling technology through increasing drilling speed to enhance drilling parameters to enhance rock breaking energy, Fuling area has been used as the main speed-increasing measures, speed-increasing effect is significant. In order to coordinate with the use of composite drilling technology in the deviated section, reasonable. The trajectory control ability meets the requirements by optimizing the trajectory design by choosing the build-up rate, increasing the composite drilling efficiency and reducing the sliding drilling efficiency, thus increasing the drilling speed in the build-up section. The working strength of the screw is increased to a great extent, and the life of the screw is shorter. Once the screw fails, it needs to be replaced by taking-off drilling, which greatly increases the drilling interruption time. Therefore, the screw becomes a vulnerable part in the drilling of the deviating section. By comparison and analysis, the screw with equal wall thickness is more stable than the conventional one, and the life of the screw is longer. In addition, reasonable construction rules and measures are important means to improve the life of the screw. Hydraulic oscillator and hydraulic propeller have been used in this area. According to the analysis of drilling effect, the use of hydraulic oscillator is better, and the decrease is obvious when drilling in wellbore section. According to Fuling geological conditions, the feasibility of air foam drilling technology in Fuling Block is analyzed. It is a precondition to implement air drilling technology to master water and gas production in Fuling Block. Core analysis shows that the rock has developed horizontal fractures and no vertical fractures. The compressive strength curve of Jialingjiang-Xiaoheba formation is significantly higher than the collapse curve, and the borehole wall of air foam drilling is more stable. During the drilling process, the main problems of air foam drilling are serious wear of drill pipe and insufficient rock-carrying capacity. Aiming at the problem of rock-carrying, this paper calculates the minimum gas injection rate of air foam drilling by using the modified Angel model, which provides an effective reference for drilling operation.


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