[Abstract]:In recent years, instability of salt cavernous gas storage occurred from time to time at home and abroad. Leakage, destruction and ground subsidence or collapse of gas storage often occurred, which resulted in huge economic loss and environmental damage. The salt mines in China have the characteristics of thin salt layer shallow burial and many intercalations which make it difficult to build salt cavernous reservoirs and run high risk especially in the stability management of dissolved caverns it is urgent to make a thorough study and make a breakthrough. Therefore, this paper takes the Jintan Salt Mine gas storage as the object of in-depth study on the stability evaluation and management of gas storage, the main research contents and achievements are as follows: (1) draw lessons from the domestic and foreign gas reservoir stability evaluation factors and techniques, The main reasons of instability of salt cavernous underground gas storage are calculated by FLAC3D simulation. Based on the analysis of the main factors affecting the stability of gas storage, taking the energy storage of Jintan Salt Mine in Jiangsu Province as a practical project, the stability level of each layer index is calculated layer by using the method of combining analytic hierarchy process with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The quantitative evaluation of the stability and instability consequences of salt cavernous underground gas storage is obtained, and the corresponding evaluation grade is obtained. The scoring model is based on the results of numerical simulation and related research. The error of subjective evaluation fuzziness caused by expert scoring is significantly reduced. (2) the method of AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is used to solve the problem of gas storage instability and gas reservoir leakage. The damage of gas storage and surface subsidence or collapse are quantitatively evaluated, and the consequences of instability of gas storage are predicted. According to the different evaluation results, the measures to reduce or avoid the risk are put forward. (3) according to the stability evaluation method and evaluation classification standard of salt cavernous underground gas storage, based on C # programming technology, A set of "salt cavernous underground gas storage stability evaluation software" has been developed in order to improve the efficiency and accuracy of evaluation. Before the storage tank is unstable, all kinds of risk factors can be eliminated or reduced to acceptable range, so that the storage tank can operate safely and smoothly. In this paper, the stability of Jintan salt rock energy storage reservoir is simulated and calculated, and the final score of stability is 78.84 points. When the minimum operating pressure is less than 3 MPA and the maximum operating pressure is less than 8MPa, the score is 53.55, and the consequence of the instability of gas storage is predicted. The evaluation results are practical and consistent with the results of the stability evaluation of the salt cavern type gas storage reservoir, which provides practical reference for the operation and management of underground gas storage reservoir.
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