[Abstract]:Matrix acidification, as a commonly used method to relieve near well zone damage, has achieved good results in practical production. For carbonate reservoir, matrix acidification can not only relieve the damage of near well zone, but also can communicate microfractures and increase production. Compared with acidizing fracturing, matrix acidizing has the advantages of low cost and quick effect for reservoirs with better reservoir physical properties. Most overseas oil and gas fields are reservoirs with good physical properties and relatively developed natural micro-fractures, so the matrix acidizing technology of carbonate reservoir has a broad application prospect. The prediction and description of acid wormhole in carbonate reservoir matrix acidification is one of the key points of design and effect prediction. In this paper, the current models of wormhole development are investigated and analyzed, and a three-dimensional wormhole expansion model is established based on the dual scale model and considering many factors, such as porosity and permeability heterogeneity, mineral heterogeneity and so on. The model is solved numerically and the results are analyzed. Through the research of the thesis, the following achievements and understandings have been obtained: (1) through the investigation of a large number of documents and laboratory experiments, The dual scale model is selected as the basis of the 3D model and improved. (2) the porosity field generated by the random method is improved, the normal distribution function is used to generate some data points and the Kriging interpolation method is used to perfect the data. The physical field of core porosity with certain spatial continuity is generated. The inhomogeneous physical field of mineral distribution is generated using the same idea. (3) based on the three-dimensional block central grid and the finite volume method, the numerical solution and the results of the three-dimensional model are presented. A large number of simulation analysis and comparison were carried out. The simulation results show that the injection rate, temperature, heterogeneity, rock mineral distribution and other factors will affect the growth of the wormhole. The research results in this paper can provide an effective tool and verification method for the study of the spreading mechanism of acidified vermis pores in carbonate matrix, and can be used as a scientific guide for acidizing design. Both in theory and in the field of application have a certain significance.
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