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发布时间:2018-09-12 07:50
[Abstract]:Our country is rich in coal bed methane resources, coal bed methane is a kind of high quality, high efficiency and clean new energy rising in the world in the last two decades. On the other hand, coal bed methane is also the harmful source of coal mine major disaster accident. Speeding up the development and utilization of CBM is of great practical significance in improving the energy structure, making full use of energy, safe production and reducing environmental pollution in China. Based on the method of improving the extraction rate of coalbed methane by sound field, laboratory test, theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and field test are used to study the microstructure of coal body before and after the action of sound field, and the propagation law of sound wave in porous medium of coal body. Under the action of sound field, the percolation characteristics of coalbed methane and the field test study of improving the extraction rate of coalbed methane by sound field are studied. The main results obtained from the study are as follows: after the action of sound field, the change tendency of pore structure of coal body is: "the whole increases, the dispersion increases," The characteristics of two-stage fluctuation show that the acoustic field changes the primary pore structure of the coal body, increases the porosity, pore volume and specific surface area of the coal body, and increases the fracture rate and connectivity of the coal body. The law of methane percolation in coal is basically the same under the condition of no sound field and no sound field. With the increase of effective stress, the permeability of coal seam decreases with negative exponential function. Under the action of sound field, the permeability of coal body is larger than that of unsound field, and the permeability of coal sample increases linearly with the intensity of sound field and increases with the increase of action time, which indicates that the sound field can increase the permeability of coal body. The effect of sound field can reduce the damage of stress to the permeability of coal and improve the permeability of coal. The permeability of coal is more sensitive to stress after the action of sound field, and the sensitivity coefficient of stress under the action of high frequency sound field is higher than that of low frequency sound field. Therefore, the low frequency and high energy transducer should be used in the process of coal bed methane extraction. The results of numerical analysis and field test show that the permeability of coal is closely related to stress, temperature, pore pressure and sound field, and the closer it is to the source of sound field, the more obvious the effect is and the farther away from the source of sound field. The attenuation of gas discharge is a negative exponential function. The above research results enrich and innovate the theory of high efficiency mining of coalbed methane, which is of great scientific significance and practical value for the efficient extraction of coalbed methane and the reduction of coal mine gas accidents.


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