[Abstract]:With the rapid development of social industrialization and the continuous improvement of people's material living standard, the consumption of natural resources such as oil is gradually increasing. The conflict between growing oil demand and dwindling land oil forces people to look to the sea. The offshore oil reserves are abundant, most of them are concentrated on the continental shelf. Offshore oil and gas platforms used to exploit offshore oil are called offshore platforms. Compared with land facilities, offshore platforms are characterized by poor natural environment, narrow space, large investment, high technical requirements, leakage of pressure vessels and collapse of platforms. Accidents such as fire and explosion will cause huge property losses and casualties. The high risk and harm of offshore platform safety accidents lead to the need for more perfect safety measures. In view of the bad natural environment of offshore platform, it is of engineering significance to select the ice load which is used to control the load in Bohai Sea and Huang Hai Sea area of China, and to analyze the dynamic response and safety of offshore platform under ice-induced vibration. Starting with the mechanical properties of sea ice, the types of sea ice failure and the theory of ice induced vibration, the mechanical properties of sea ice are briefly analyzed, and the calculation formulas of ice force in the state of compression, bending and bending are given for the failure type of sea ice. The comparison of three ice-induced vibration theories provides a theoretical basis for analyzing the dynamic response of offshore platforms. The complete empirical formula and semi-empirical semi-theoretical formula of static ice force are summarized, and the dynamic ice force function model is established. The ice force shielding effect and platform damping are calculated according to the environmental parameters of the offshore platform, which provides a calculation method for the environmental load of the offshore platform. The dynamic response of offshore platform under ice-induced vibration is numerically simulated by using ANSYS software. The vibration pattern of offshore platform and the dynamic response parameters of offshore platform under extreme ice condition are obtained. The influence of different ice velocity and thickness on the dynamic response of the platform is analyzed by comparing the loading parameters of the offshore platform under different ice speeds and ice thickness. The results of simulation analysis provide data support for offshore platform safety analysis. According to the data of simulation analysis, the safety of offshore platform is analyzed, the reliability model of offshore platform is established, and the fatigue life of offshore platform under ice vibration is calculated. The fire and explosion hazard and its consequences of the platform are evaluated by the chemical fire explosion risk index evaluation method, and the safety compensation coefficient of the offshore platform under extreme ice condition is modified to a certain extent.
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