[Abstract]:With the decrease of conventional oil and gas resources, tight sandstone reservoir has become a new hot spot in oil and gas exploration and development. Compared with horizontal wells in conventional reservoirs, horizontal wells in tight sandstone reservoirs are characterized by long horizontal displacement and large friction torque, resulting in a more complex wellbore trajectory. These factors all determine that the stress of horizontal wells in tight sandstone reservoirs is complex during drilling, and the drill string is often bent in the hole, and even self-locking phenomenon occurs in serious cases. Therefore, it is of great significance to predict the friction torque of drill string in tight sandstone horizontal well by theoretical model. Based on the study of the geological characteristics of tight sandstone reservoir, the soft pipe model and the hard pipe model of the friction torque of drill string are established by considering the well trajectory parameters, the influence of the viscosity resistance of drilling fluid and the buckling of drill string, etc. Aiming at the phenomenon that the drill string shape is not consistent with the borehole shape during horizontal drilling in tight sandstone reservoir, each joint is analyzed by discrete method, and the borehole trajectory is fitted by cubic spline interpolation method. The calculation model of frictional torque of horizontal well in tight sandstone reservoir is established, and a new calculation algorithm of frictional torque model is compiled by MATLAB software, which optimizes the complexity and calculation time of numerical calculation. Finally, on the basis of field examples, LANDMARK software and discrete model are used to analyze and calculate a well in the study area, and the accuracy of the new discretization model is higher than that of other models. The rationality and accuracy of friction torque prediction model of horizontal well in tight sandstone reservoir are verified, which provides necessary technical support for field engineering practice.
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