[Abstract]:This project is based on the project of "Application of WSN Target tracking Theory in Petrochemical system Safety Monitoring", which is a high-level talent project in Guangdong Province. The purpose of this project is to aim at petrochemical production site. The workshop or factory can locate and predict the source point of gas diffusion, and detect the concentration of ammonia gas in any coordinate in the factory area and the movement of ammonia gas in the event of leakage. It is of great significance in the monitoring and application of toxic and harmful gases in petrochemical industry. The goal of the petrochemical environmental safety monitoring system based on WSN is to monitor the ammonia concentration at a certain point in the petrochemical plant area. The ammonia gas sensor is used as the terminal node to detect the ammonia content in the air. The CC2530 is used as the main control chip to collect the concentration parameters of ammonia in the air, and the ZigBee transmission module is used to realize the wireless communication with the PC terminal. The predictive image of ammonia diffusion motion was obtained by wireless location technology and the point coordinates of ammonia leakage source were calculated. The main contents of this thesis are as follows: first, the technology of wireless sensor network is studied, and the ZigBee technology, infrared transmission technology and Bluetooth transmission technology are compared. Finally, ZigBee technology is selected. Secondly, contrasting and analyzing Gao Si gas diffusion model and gas turbulence model, using these two gas diffusion models to simulate the gas diffusion movement of toxic gas leakage in petrochemical plant area. From the simulation results, the advantages and disadvantages of the two gas diffusion models are obtained. Gao Si smoke cluster model is chosen as the theoretical support of the wireless location algorithm. Third, the hardware design of the petrochemical environment safety monitoring system is completed. The CC2530 single-chip microcomputer is used to control the system. The collection of gas concentration information is realized, including ammonia gas sensor, power supply module, A / D module, etc. The connection between terminal node and PC terminal in wireless sensor network is realized by ZigBee module. Fourthly, the software design of petrochemical environment safety monitoring system is completed: the sensor node program is completed by C language, the system is initialized, the sampling is interrupted and the data is displayed in real time. On the basis of comparing three wireless localization algorithms, the following algorithms are obtained: data communication, wireless communication program, real-time data transmission, data storage, and ammonia leakage source location algorithm in petrochemical environment security monitoring system. Display gas concentration and gas diffusion motion image and other functions. Fifth, the test platform of petrochemical environment safety monitoring system is tested, which includes network test, node data acquisition function test and PC interface data display test. Through the test results of the petrochemical environmental safety monitoring system, it can be proved that the toxic and harmful gas detection system designed by the project can operate normally and can be accurately displayed in the PC terminal. This is of great significance to petrochemical environmental safety monitoring technology.
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