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发布时间:2018-10-04 18:41
[Abstract]:Oil well pipe is not only damaged by medium in service, but also damaged by cyclic pressure, internal pressure, bending, vibration and so on. Corrosion and fatigue promote oil well pipe to crack and expand until fracture. In the process of corrosion fatigue, crack initiation life accounts for 10% of total life, crack propagation accounts for 90% of total life, and its life is mainly controlled by crack growth law. The service life of oil well pipe can be predicted more accurately. Thus it can ensure the safe use of oil well pipe in oilfield development. The corrosion rate of 13Cr tubing in different pH values and different chlorine ion concentrations was studied by changing the concentration of the medium. The corrosion fatigue crack propagation performance was studied in the corresponding medium. The fatigue crack growth curve was obtained by corrosion fatigue test. The influence of different corrosion medium on corrosion fatigue performance of oil well pipe material was studied in combination with corrosion rate. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the corrosion resistance of 13Cr is good, but the corrosion rate will be accelerated with the increase of chloride concentration, and the effect of chloride concentration on corrosion fatigue crack propagation rate is not great. One is that the gradient of chloride concentration is not large enough, the other is that chlorine ion concentration has little effect on corrosion fatigue crack propagation. (2) tubing material 13Cr has better corrosion resistance in NaCl solution with different pH value. However, the corrosion rate will be accelerated with the decrease of pH value. However, in corrosion fatigue, the crack growth rate decreases with the increase of acidity, which indicates that the corrosion resistance of 13Cr does not represent its corrosion fatigue performance. (3) compared with the atmospheric environment, the fatigue crack growth rate in corrosive media is faster; At the later stage of crack growth, CO2 accelerates the fatigue crack growth, and the fatigue crack growth rate of different materials in the same corrosion medium is obviously different.


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