[Abstract]:The permeability of hydrate deposits is one of the important physical parameters that affect the recovery efficiency of natural gas hydrate. In order to study the effect of effective volume stress and hydrate saturation on the permeability of hydrate deposits during the development of natural gas hydrate, the natural silt sand is selected as the sediment skeleton. The permeability tests of hydrate sediments with different saturation were carried out under triaxial loading. The results show that: (1) when hydrate saturation is constant, the permeability and effective volume stress of hydrate sediment change in a negative exponential curve. The slope of the curve changes from large to small with the increase of effective volume stress. (2) under certain effective volume stress condition, The permeability of hydrate sediment changes exponentially with hydrate saturation. (3) the effect of effective volume stress and hydrate saturation on the permeability of hydrate sediment is non-independent, that is, with the increase of hydrate saturation, The effect of the latter on the permeability of hydrate sediments is weakened, but with the increase of the latter, the influence of the former on the permeability of hydrate sediments is also reduced. The influence mechanism of effective volume stress and hydrate saturation on the permeability of hydrate sediment is put forward, that is, the effect of the former on permeability lies in the compressibility of seepage channel. The effect of the latter on permeability is due to the blocking of percolation channel by hydrate.
【作者单位】: 辽宁工程技术大学力学与工程学院;辽宁工业大学土木建筑工程学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目“超临界二氧化碳多脉冲气爆低渗透煤层抽采瓦斯增产机理研究”(编号:51574137) 辽宁工业大学教师科研启动基金“注热开采甲烷水合物过程中水合物分解—渗流—储层变形热流固三场耦合机理及数值模拟研究”(编号:X201403)
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