[Abstract]:With the upgrading of the national marine strategy, in the past ten years, the country, large shipping enterprises and various scientific research institutes have been engaged in platform lightweight design, drilling automation, platform lifting and lifting devices, offshore oil and gas lifting and development. Gratifying achievements have been made in the integration of medium and high voltage distribution systems, and rich experience has been accumulated in the field of platform design and construction. But the marine engineering project is a multidisciplinary, multi-professional system engineering, spanning materials, mechanics, structure, machinery and electrical and other disciplines. At present, this field still lacks the system integration solution and the research and exploration of cross-disciplinary. Lifting system is an important link to measure the performance of jack-up drilling platform. The load calculation, finite element analysis and electrical design of drilling platform and its supporting structure are the prerequisite to ensure the safe and stable operation of the platform. It is of great significance to the engineering design and construction of jack-up drilling platform. In this paper, the lifting system of the platform and its components are analyzed by means of finite element analysis software and electrical knowledge, such as mechanics of materials, structural mechanics and so on. The corresponding finite element model of mechanics and structure is established. Combined with the load statistics of BHCP-400 platform, the load and potential energy release of the jack-up platform under lifting condition are studied emphatically, and the key components of lifting structure (pile legs, pile boots) are finished. The strength of the trap is checked. Based on the results of load calculation and finite element analysis, the load statistics, power flow analysis, harmonic analysis and short circuit analysis of power system under ascending and descending conditions are completed by using Paladin Designbase,ETAP and other power system analysis software. An inverse power absorption solution is proposed to complete the power system design. Ensure safe and reliable operation in platform lifting condition.
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