[Abstract]:At present, Liaohe Oilfield strongly advocates energy saving, increasing production and increasing efficiency. How to improve the efficiency of pumping wells in order to save energy consumption has become the most concerned problem in oil production plants. Among them, the energy-saving revamp of pumping units has been concerned by various oil extraction plants. In this paper, the dynamics and balance theory of conventional 10 beam pumping units are studied in depth and systematically, so as to provide effective data support for determining the improvement measures of pumping units. In this paper, the efficiency of pumping unit is studied and analyzed, and the indexes that influence the efficiency of pumping unit are found, and the methods to improve the efficiency are put forward according to the data analysis. The balance mechanism and energy consumption of pumping unit are analyzed systematically, and the main energy saving indexes are established. Based on the dynamic analysis of the standard 10-type pumping unit, some important parameters, such as suspension load, reducer net torque, root mean square torque, periodic load coefficient and so on, are obtained. According to the analysis and comparison of these parameters and combined with the actual well conditions, three kinds of improvement measures are put forward, and each scheme is analyzed and calculated. Finally, the field test is carried out. Through the comprehensive evaluation of the revamped pumping unit in the aspects of comprehensive test and field operation, and combining with the actual well conditions, the optimal scheme of beam balance is finally determined. The modification measures include: adding lower offset balancing device, supporting device, balancing adjusting operation platform; changing the position of brake and electronic control box on the side; shortening crank and removing balance block; replacing motor, distribution box and so on. The field application shows that the system efficiency and energy saving effect have been greatly improved after the revamping. At the same time, because of the characteristics of short transformation period and low cost, the technology has high popularization value and broad application prospect.
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