[Abstract]:Taking Ha-6 well area of Ha-Hattang area in Tarim Basin as an example, based on the study of reservoir distribution characteristics and oil-water spatial relationship in the study area, the development characteristics of production wells are analyzed. Three basic oil and water distribution patterns of multi-fracture cavities on single well are established: oil bottom (edge) water connected, bottom (edge) water connected and compound fracture connected, and their causes and production characteristics are pointed out accordingly. In this paper, three dynamic analysis methods for single well recognition of multi-fracture and cavern body are presented, namely, production test data analysis method, water drive characteristic curve analysis method and elastic yield analysis method, and suitable identification methods for different multi-fracture cavities are put forward. Combined with the principle of determining the plane range of the fracture and cavity body, three types of multi-fissure cavities in the study area are identified.
【作者单位】: 中国石油塔里木油田分公司勘探开发研究院;
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