[Abstract]:Based on the analysis and comparison of three kinds of hole making methods of multi-branch horizontal wells of coalbed methane, and considering the present situation and operation of coalbed methane production in China, a method of compound cavitation production in multi-branch horizontal wells of coalbed methane is formed. This method is a combination of high pressure water jet and mechanical hole making. First, the hole is pre-perforated by high pressure water jet, and then mechanical cutting is carried out. In this paper, the properties and parameters of coal and rock are described, and the material parameters are counted, which provides theoretical and data support for subsequent simulation calculation. Based on the coal breaking theory of high pressure water jet and mechanical cavitation, this paper discusses the mechanism of high efficiency coal breaking of compound cavitation. It is concluded that the cutting resistance of mechanical cavitation can be reduced by pre-breaking rock with high pressure water jet in compound cavitation technology. Reasons for improving construction efficiency. The stress distribution of perforated coal and rock is numerically simulated by using ANSYS software. The influence of borehole radius and pore layout on stress distribution is considered in the calculation. Based on ANSYS/LS-DYNA software, an explicit dynamic analysis model for cutting coal and rock is established by using implicit explicit solution method. A number of model examples are established considering the hole layout scheme and whether the cutting tool passes perforation or not. Through the comparison and analysis of the calculated results, the suggestion of perforation arrangement is put forward. Considering the necessity of coalbed methane mining informatization and the deficiency of traditional education and training, the virtual reality technology is introduced to design and develop the visualization system of coalbed methane compound cavitation. Using virtual reality technology, based on Virtools development platform, using 3ds Max software to build 3D model, build virtual scene, complete the design and development of coal bed methane visualization system. This paper introduces the key technology and process of realizing visualization system in detail, which can be used as a reference example of visual system development. The visualization system can be used for teaching training and science popularization. It can save training cost and no time and place constraints.
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