[Abstract]:By the end of 2016, a total of 160 LNG processing plants had been built nationwide, but the average annual operating rate was only 37. Sichuan-Chongqing region is the most mature region of the national natural gas market, its natural gas industry development is representative. In recent years, many LNG processing plants have been built in the region, but the operating rate is less than 30%, which is seriously low, and the development of LNG industrial chain in the region is relatively slow. For this reason, this paper first analyzes the reasons for the shortage of the operating rate of the LNG processing plants in this area: (1) the lack of strong industrial policy guidance; (2) the limited scale of the downstream market of LNG, which leads to the serious shortage of the demand of the LNG market. Then, the contribution of activating the LNG industry chain to local GPD, tax, employment and environmental benefit is analyzed. The results show that if the daily demand for LNG in Sichuan and Chongqing is 1 500 脳 10 ~ (4) m ~ (3), then GDP can be contributed to 51.203 billion yuan per year. There are 15, 795 jobs, 4.117 billion yuan in taxes and 369.9 脳 10 ~ (4) tons of pollutants. Then the suggestions of activating regional LNG industry chain are put forward: (1) transplanting the preferential policies of new energy vehicles, and fully supporting the development of LNG vehicles; (2) relevant departments issue special policies to support the construction of LNG filling stations and promote the formation of LNG terminal network; (3) using LNG as city gas peak shaving and emergency reserve; (4) establishing reasonable retail price mechanism of LNG terminal.
【作者单位】: 中国石油西南油气田公司;
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