[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous use of (Liquefied Natural Gas,LNG production, transportation and storage projects in China, the LNG industry has developed rapidly. The rapid development of LNG industry has filled the gap of domestic energy demand to a certain extent. It improves the current situation of energy shortage and environmental pollution in China. But the rapid increase of LNG yard also brought safety risks and accident risks. A large number of research results show that because LNG has the characteristics of extremely low temperature and flammable and explosive, the liquid and steam after LNG leakage will cause harm to people and equipment. Especially, serious fire and explosion may occur once the steam cloud is exposed to the ignition source. Therefore, it is very necessary to study the diffusion behavior and diffusion suppression technology after LNG leakage, select appropriate suppression technology to reduce the diffusion scope of LNG leakage, and avoid the occurrence of catastrophic accidents to the maximum extent. High expansion foam is an effective method to inhibit the diffusion of LNG, but the mechanism of its inhibition is not clear at present. Some key application parameters need to be further determined by experiments. In view of this, this paper has mainly carried out the following research work: (1) by analyzing the heat, momentum and mass transfer in the evaporation process of the liquid storage tank and the diffusion principle of the vapor cloud in the atmosphere, The main factors affecting the evaporation diffusion of LNG are heat input and gas flow degree, and the mechanism of high expansion foam inhibiting the evaporation diffusion of LNG is put forward. The high expansion foam covers the top of the LNG storage level and brings in a large number of heat sources. The upper foam heats the LNG vapor, which reduces the density of LNG vapor and floats LNG vapor, thus reducing the concentration and volume of gas cloud on the ground to reduce the probability of fire and explosion accident. (2) from the point of view of hydrodynamics, By using KFX software based on CFD theory, the large scale LNG leakage diffusion experiments abroad are simulated and calculated. The simulation results show that the KFX software can effectively simulate the evaporation diffusion process of LNG. The experimental results are very similar to the experimental results, such as the concentration change of the monitoring point, the temperature change of the liquid storage tank, the range of vapor cloud and the effect of high multiple foam suppression in the simulation calculation. The simulation results verify the inhibition mechanism proposed above. (3) the LNG experimental results are predicted by the simulation calculation before the experiment. The simulation results show that the range of gas cloud under certain wind speed and the concentration of gas cloud at key facilities are given. It also provides a reference for the arrangement of monitoring points in the LNG field experiment. (4) according to the predicted simulation results, the LNG leakage diffusion experiment is carried out. The experimental results show that the concentration of wind direction and temperature under the LNG liquid storage tank, The data of the inhibition effect of high-expansion foam are similar to the existing experimental results abroad. The change of temperature, gas cloud and mass evaporation rate in the liquid storage tank reflects the inhibition effect of high expansion foam on the evaporation diffusion of LNG tank, and verifies the mechanism and effectiveness of high expansion foam suppression.
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